Customer number 100,000 now being served

Reader #100,000 since my move to ScienceBlogs passed through at 16:17:49 MST. The reader was at Hamline University in St Paul MN, and I think I know who it is (Hi Ed! Comment if it was you).

I guess I'll just take the opportunity to thank all my readers over the past seven months.

More like this

It was me, #100,000. What a deal! I revisited to check something and voila or viola, there it is, my name in numbers. Zounds!

From my end the thanks is to you for you do all the work. I'm grateful for it.


By edward hessler (not verified) on 06 Aug 2006 #permalink

Hah ha! Guess it was you.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 06 Aug 2006 #permalink

Heartiest congratulations on the milestone, Professor. Well-deserved, indeed!!!

btw, thank you for the dedication on Mr Lowry's "Unhackled, Drunk and Mad to Edit" post - sounds like something to which I should compose music.

In a related issue, the belated Friday Fermentable is finally up, with close enough reference to the US Southwest to render it relevant.

Again, congrats and a wish:

May you drink forever without owing
With the door open, and the wind blowing.

Cheers, mate!