A Comedic Break

I like Bill Maher. On Saturday he's playing here in Phoenix, and we'll be there. Here he is on Leno doing some good stuff on Mel Gibson etc.


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Maher's "New Rule" on ID prompted author and evangelist Ray Comfort to issue this challenge to him on May 10, 2006: "I can scientifically prove intelligent design. Let's have 20 minutes each. I present my case (I won't even mention 'faith') and then he can present his case for evolution. I say that he doesn't have one. He's bluffing. I don't mind if he spends his 20 minutes telling jokes, because that's all he has." An online petition calling for the debate has a puny amount of signatures on it. Why would Maher bother anyway when all he has to do is invite Ann Coulter back on his show?

Good link!
I was struck by the contrast between Maher's forthright defense of science vs. ID and his (earlier cited) apparent embrace of pseudoscience vs. medicine. He is right about ID, but his track record makes me wonder if he has, on this occasion, been right by accident.