Catfish blogging

Bought some more catfish today. I've now got two tanks going, so I decided to go with a few more South American species - three Emerald cats (Brochis splendens Castelnau, 1855) and a single pictus cat (Pimelodus pictus Steindachner, 1876). The former are in my main tank with the peppered corys (Corydoras paleatus), lace catfish (Syonodontis nigrita), the plec (Hypostomus plecostomus), and some smaller fish, while the pictus is in another tank with the eclipse cat (Horabagrus brachysoma). If I had my way, I'd have big tanks full of catfish.


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Wow! zero comments about your affection for catfish! I guess I'll have to chirp in here and compliment you on not only your choice of hobby but your area of special interest. I keep a few catfish and by far my favorite is the Synodontsis petricola. Cute little guys.