More on Coyne

Contrary to the claims of certain IDologists, the new director of the Vatican Observatory, Fr. Jose Funes, has stated that the rumors that Fr. Coyne was replaced because of his stance on Intelligent Design were "absolutely false" and that Coyne requested in May to be replaced (source). Kind of makes the following from Denyse O' Leary all the more enjoyable:

Apparently, Glenn Branch of the National Center for Science Education (called by some here the "National Center for Selling Evolution") has attempted to spin Fr. Coyne's departure as a normal retirement. He told Dick Fischer at the ASA discussion group that a media account that suggested otherwise was tendentious:

"... after all, Coyne is 73 years old, and his retirement could have been predicted in any case. And there's no reason to think that Coyne's successor's view differs from Coyne's ..."

Nice try, Glenn. But ... obviously, retiring Fr. Coyne just as the Vatican is seriously deliberating Darwinism and its effects is a message about acceptable avenues of dissent.

Looks like Glenn got it right and O'Leary (as often is the case) got it wrong.

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This, from LifeSite: The Jesuit priest-astronomer who vocally opposed the Catholic understanding of God-directed creation, has been removed from his post as head of the Vatican observatory. Fr. George Coyne has been head of the Vatican observatory for 25 years is an expert in astrophysics with an…
John Wilkins notes that Fr. George Coyne was been removed from his post as head of the Vatican observatory. It's not clear from the news reports that I have read whether Coyne was removed due to this stance on ID, which he described as a "kind of paganism". He has been replaced by Fr. José Funes…
Catholic World News : Controversial Jesuit astronomer replaced at Vatican observatory: Pope Benedict XVI has named a new director for the Vatican Observatory. Father José Gabriel Funes will succeed a controversial American, Father George Coyne. Father Funes, an Argentine Jesuit, is already a member…
The first reports of the changing of the guard at the Vatican Observatory suggested evil-doing were afoot. The outgoing George Coyne is known as a stalwart defender of science and evolution in particular. But the Vatican later insisted Coyne was just tired of the job, which he had held for 30 years…

Contrary to the claims of certain IDologists

... and certain ScienceBloggers.

Bit of selective memory here, I'd say ...

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 29 Aug 2006 #permalink

If selective, then by accident.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 29 Aug 2006 #permalink

Nice try, Glenn. But ... obviously, retiring Fr. Coyne just as the Vatican is seriously deliberating Darwinism and its effects is a message about acceptable avenues of dissent.

Yeah, everything is a message... everything has a deeper meaning... everything is by design...