Happy Birthday!

As some of you may know, in 1650, the Irish archbishop, James Ussher dated the beginning of the universe using the Book of Genesis and calculated the date of creation to be October 22, 4004 BC. That would make the universe 6002 6009 years old today.

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On this date, six thousand and eleven years ago (give or take a little due to the vagaries of how calendars are kept), the creation of the universe had just begun. That's according to the 1650 chronology determined by the Anglican Bishop of Armagh James Ussher, anyway, published in his Annales…
I almost forgot — in 1658, Archbishop Ussher determined that the world was created precisely at 9am, 23 October, 4004 BC, making today the official creation day, and the earth 6012 years old. Stop laughing, people. There are some who still seriously believe that: I just got spam from Whirled Nut…
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Bugger! I brain-farted.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 21 Oct 2006 #permalink

I'm sure that someone has cast a horoscope for the earth. Let's see, wouldn't the earth be a Scorpio?
(Just to make it clear, I am joking.