Upcoming Design Conference

The C.S. Lewis Society is sponsoring the Evidence of Design conference upcoming in Florida (Nov 3rd + 4th) and featuring Walter Bradley, Paul Nelson and Tom Woodward. The goal?

[To] thoroughly equip church members and leaders with generally non-technical, cutting-edge information. It will demonstrate practical steps to use design-evidence as a thoughtful bridge to skeptics who have been taught through Darwinian evolution that God is a myth.  This conference will enable Christians and others to use simple evidence to demonstrate there is in fact a designer of life and that he is Jesus Christ.

There you have it folks - the ID argument in a nutshell. No need to keep beating around the bush - it's not the aliens after all, it's the guy we all suspected they were talking about all along.

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Funny thing though, many of us figured out there was no god long before we understood evolution.

This conference will enable Christians and others to use simple "evidence" to demonstrate there is in fact a designer of life and that he is Jesus Christ.

Some quotation marks apparently went missing in your original, so I filled them in. Your welcome.

By Friend Fruit (not verified) on 23 Oct 2006 #permalink

I'm quite sure it will be non-technical and that it will be on the edge (or fringe). But we should welcome it--perhaps Paul Nelson will expound the Theory of Intelligent Design.