
RPM writes that "they're not as stupid as we thought they were."

This seems apt:



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I know the image isn't your original work, since I've seen it elsewhere. Do you know the original source?

By Friend Fruit (not verified) on 14 Nov 2006 #permalink

> I know the image isn't your original work, since I've seen it elsewhere. Do you know the original source?

Unfortunately not (otherwise I would have credited it). I downloaded it a while back.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 14 Nov 2006 #permalink

The first time I saw the image was on PZ Myers' daughter's web site (

Take all the info above (daughter, Skatje, etc.) with at grain of salt and sorry I'm not enough of an htmlian to save you the cut and paste. But she might be able to guide you to the image source.


Thanks for posting this Dr. Lynch. It was Some much needed comedic relief after a very stressful day.