Bah bye Johnny


"Unable to win Senate confirmation, U.N. Ambassador John Bolton will step down when his temporary appointment expires within weeks, the White House said Monday" (source). Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


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Good riddence to bad rubbish, as Mom used to say.

You're stinky sore winners, aren't ya? All your "scientist" bunch make me puke. Maybe you can fucking stop gloating and circle-jerking and post something - you know - science-related?

(I guess my comment is not fair and high-minded, but i really fed up with your puerile outflows on matters that are sadly beyond your understanding. Actually if you think you have a legit case to post this garbage - maybe you care to discuss Bolton's actual contribution in UN???)


We have a real emergency here. Apparently someone is holding "saddamov" at gun-point and forcing him to read "this garbage" and my "puerile outflows on matters that are sadly beyond [my] understanding". It is a shame to see someone as articulate and wise as "saddamov" being held this way. His IP address maps to Russia so this could be an international incident. Perhaps we should get the UN involved?

Don't get the UN involved yet--wait until Bolton fixes it. After all, that's his mandate...oh...never mind. It was funny hearing President Bush on the radio today, saying about the resignation, "I accepted it, but [high squeeky voice]I didn't want, no, no![/high squeeky voice].

Good - i knew you'd like some friendly attention from Mother Russia - now don't forget to check your piss for polonium-210, you never new what you inhale while sniffing out IPs of suspicious comments.

As for that predictable heap of doodoo from "The Nation" - there was actually a pearl there - about Ban giving our Johnny senior position somewhere in UN. Think Wolfowitz, friend.