As Bora notes, the 2006 Weblog Award nominees have been announced and there are some startlingly familiar names:
Best Science Blog
John Hawks Anthropology Weblog
Good Math, Bad Math
Mixing Memory
The Panda's Thumb
In the Pipeline
Bad Astronomy Blog
SciGuyBest Medical/Health Issues Blog
Stayin' Alive
Short Gut News
Respectful Insolence
The Cheerful Oncologist
A Life Less Convenient
Doc In the Machine
The Cancer Blog
The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl
Congrats to all my SciBlings.
Oh, and I'm shocked, shocked, I say, that fine science blogs like Uncommon Descent, Intelligent Design: The Future, or Evolution News and Views are not represented. How could that be, considering they cover "A New Science for A New Century" ?
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