SICB Blogging Workshop

As PZ notes, some of us ScienceBloggers will be at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology annual meeting which occurs this time around in Phoenix. PZ, GrrlScientist and I will be the talking heads at the Media Worskshop on Thursday January 4th:

Media Workshop: Hey, Wanna Read My Blog?

Blogs are online "diaries" that are growing in popularity. Popular political and social commentary blogs are making the news, but is there more out there than chatty gossip and collections of links? How about some science? Can this trendy technology be useful for scientists? Come to the Media Workshop and find out! Experienced science bloggers P.Z. Myers (Pharyngula), Grrl Scientist (Living the Scientific Life), and John Lynch (Stranger Fruit) answer your questions about how blogging works, setting one up, finding things to write about, and using the medium for your classes, for research, or for educating the public.

Like PZ, I'll be trying to blog the conference. Also like PZ, I doubt that a boxing match between us is likely to occur. Beer and discussion will, however, be on the cards.

So, any readers going to be at the meeting?

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Grrrl, PZ and John will be panelists at the Media Worskshop during the next SICB meeting. You bet I am jealous! SICB is the coolest of all science meetings ever! Their workshop is about science blogging: Media Workshop: Hey, Wanna Read My Blog? Blogs are online "diaries" that are growing in…
In a few weeks, on January 3-7, I'm going to be attending the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Phoenix. I'm going to be part of a panel in a Media Workshop, along with a few other names you might recognize: Blogs are online "diaries" that are growing in…
I've noted before that the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) will be meeting in Phoenix next week and also that PZ, Grrl Scientist, and I will be participating in a media workshop on blogging. We've decided that this might also be a nice opportunity for Scienceblogs readers to…
A blog is software. Importantly: a blog is free software. Everyone can use it in any way they want. If there are 100 million blogs out there, there are 100 million blogging styles and 100 million ideas what blogging "is". And anyone who dares tell others how to do it incurs the wrath of the other…

What intelligent probing questions should we ask to make you look better than the other panelists?

By Bruce Thompson (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

I am still wondering what blogging can bring to the blogger, scientifically speaking.

While on the other hand this is indeed a very straight and interesting way to "speak" to a science-inclined audience, even the science that just points out in journals and is not readily accessible to a wide citizen community.

Would be very curious what your answer about his would be...

I'm going to make my seminar students blog about their independent projects next semester. In a poll last week in my evolution class, I learned that only 1 out of 17 students regularly reads blogs. They seemed underwhelmed by the whole idea, and especially underwhelmed about the exicitement and rich content that are in blogs these days. (They're really keen on Wickipedia, though.) The forced blogging will hopefully give them good geeky skills that they might find useful some day and also give them good (and timely) feedback from peers on their experiments.