$276,500,000,000 later.

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A few days ago, David Bowie died of cancer. This morning I learned that the actor Alan Rickman has died of cancer. You all know the rule of threes, right? It has been satisfied, because in his state of the union address Barack Obama announced that he was going to kill American biological research,…
Readers who don't like me might think that the title of this post refers to what I am about to write. I know, the title perfectly encapsulates the verbose style that is my stock and trade. In reality, though, it's referring to a couple of articles floating around the blogosphere of which I've…
The sea is a dark and often mysterious place, and it's no wonder that the fear and fascination with the marine world has led to more than a few inaccurate claims. The crew over at Southern Fried Science have decided that this week is all about busting pseudoscience and the myths that surround our…
And now for something completely different... Well, not really. It's a little different, but regular readers will soon recognize it as a variation on the same old theme. One topic I've been writing about since the very beginning of this blog is the alternative medicine cancer cure testimonial, or,…

So John, am I to understand you as saying that the $400 billion+ annual military budget in this country (the one that puts us, a country that makes up about 1/20th. of the world's population, ahead of every other country combined in military spending), not to mention all of the scientific and engineering expertise used therein, could be better spent on things intended to cure diseases and generally help people rather than blowing them up?

When did you discover that you hate America?

By Tyler DiPietro (not verified) on 16 Dec 2006 #permalink

Ummm, is that a trick question?

So in other words, you not only hate America, but it's journalistic tradition of loaded trick questions?

Your level of non-citizen/resident anti-American traitordom is staggering.

By Tyler DiPietro (not verified) on 16 Dec 2006 #permalink

John, be patient. For another quarter trillion they plan to shrink these beauties down a la Fantastic Voyage and send them in to take out cancer cells one on one.

By CanuckRob (not verified) on 17 Dec 2006 #permalink

Genetic Algorithms are useful tools in exploring the aerodynamics of transonic wing design, aspects of the flight envelop, and engine design, so it's not a complete waste. Plus they go real fast and fly upside down, to bad only 25 year olds get to play with them.

By Bruce Thompson (not verified) on 17 Dec 2006 #permalink