A terrible injustice

Horrible news out of Libya - the Tripoli/Benghazi Six were today sentenced to death despite scientific evidence of their innocence. OracBora, PZ, Abel, and Revere all join in denouncing this miscarriage of justice. You can read more at on their blogs.  


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As the October 31 date for the resumption of the trial of the Tripoli 6 looms, the world scientific community is weighing in. From the ScienceNow section of the journal Science: U.S. scientists are adding their voices to mounting international pressure on Libya to release six foreign medical…
We last spoke in September about the case of five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor unjustly imprisoned in Libya for the inconceivable charge of intentionally injecting 426 children with HIV at Al-Fateh Hospital in Benghazi. These health care workers are guilty of nothing other than…

Back in October, I wrote letters to Senator John McCain, Senator John Kyl, Representative J.D. Hayworth, Senator Richard Lugar, Senator Joseph Biden, Representative Henry Hyde Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and, at the advice of a relative of mine who works in Washington D.C., to the members of the Senate HELP Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee. Given that it was so close to the midterm election and that I live outside the constituency of most of these members of Congress, I wasn't expecting to get any replies. Lo and behold, there was letter in my mailbox tonight from Senator Kyl's office that said in part:

"Libya's Minister for European Affairs, Abdul Ati al-Obeidi, has stated that a working group comprised of Bulgaria, Libya, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Commission, will meet after the verdict and will work together to find a political solution if the outcome does not resolve the concerns of the international community."

The BBC just reported that the Tripoli Six are now also up on charges of slander for "making false claims of torture."

The International Herald Tribune is reporting some potentially good news.