How to get ahead in the GOP

Seen at TPM:

According to Network World's Paul McNamara, the communications director for U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT), Todd Shriber, hired two 'hackers' to break into the computer of his alma mater, Texas Christian University, and change his college grades.

He went trolling for the law-breaking 'hackers' on a computer security website. But instead of finding anyone to do his dirty work he came across a couple non-criminally minded techies who proceeded to chat him up about his scheme, draw out in explicit detail that what he was asking them to do involved mulitple felonies and then posted their complete email correspondence on the site,

Reminds me a little of George Deutsch.


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Oh. My. God.
That is totally farkin' hilarious!

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 22 Dec 2006 #permalink

No wonder when it comes to the national economy, they're content to repaint the X-ray instead of curing the patient!