Bush more villainous that Bin Laden, Hussein, Ahmadinejad, and .... oh ... Satan

An AP-AOL News poll has revealed that Bush is both the greatest "villain" and "hero" of 2006.

When asked to name the past year's biggest villain, Bush was far and away the #1 choice, commanding 25% of the vote, distantly trailed by Osama Bin Laden (8%), Saddam Hussein (6%), President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran (5%), North Korean leader Kim Jong II (2%) and Donald Rumsfeld (2%). Satan only took in 1% of the vote ...

On the flipside, Bush also claimed the top spot when Americans were asked to name the year's biggest hero, but with only a trifling 13% of the vote. The troops in Iraq came in second (6%), followed by Jesus Christ (3%), Barack Obama (3%), Oprah Winfrey (3%), and rock star/philanthropist Bono (2%).

I don't know what disturbs me more - that twice as many people see Bush as a hero than do the troops in Iraq, or that 3% see Christ as the hero of the year?

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