Human-Neanderthal hybridization (here we go again ...)


AP is reporting that a "skull found in a cave in Romania includes features of both modern humans and Neanderthals, possibly suggesting that the two may have interbred thousands of years ago." A paper to appear in Tuesday's PNAS (and not online yet) will argue that the ~40,000 year old skull raises "important questions about the evolutionary history of modern humans,"

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A day or so back, I posted on an AP article which declared that "skull found in a cave in Romania includes features of both modern humans and Neanderthals, possibly suggesting that the two may have interbred thousands of years ago." The original research article is now online. Let's look at the…
Or, to be less crude, did modern humans, having already evolved in Africa, interbreed with the local Europeans who were Neanderthals, and if so, did they produce fertile offspring ... and, did this happen in sufficient degree to have mattered at all to the genetics of later (but not necessarily…
Or, to be less crude, did modern humans, having already evolved in Africa, interbreed with the local Europeans who were Neanderthals, and if so, did they produce fertile offspring ... and, did this happen in sufficient degree to have mattered at all to the genetics of later (but not necessarily…
My interest is in developing a plausible evidence-based story of how modern humans emerged from ancestral species. This means guessing at what features of humans make us "human" and attempting to see the emergence of each of these features in the fossilized record of our bodies (bones) and…

I'm now thinking it will be blogworthy when a human/neanderthal hybridization paper does NOT get scooped up by the pop press.

The popular press has manhandled every single "potential" neanderthal-human hybridization study I've ever seen. Ridiculous.

"...both modern humans and Neanderthals, possibly suggesting that the two may have interbred thousands of years ago."

I thought the invention of a time-machine would be more news worthy than this.