More on Bush and that "goddammed piece of paper"

Mike Dunford earlier introduced Bush to the Constitution, a document that he has in the past referred to as "just a goddammed piece of paper" and which has been ignored by his regime. Yesterday, he appointed Swift-Boat and GOP financier Sam Fox as
ambassador to Belgium, this despite withdrawing Fox's nomination last week due to insufficient support in the Foreign Relations Committee. Congress leaves town for a week and Bush gets his man in through the back door. As if there was urgency in appointing an ambassador to Belgium.

Let's pay attention to that "goddamned piece of paper," shall we? Specifically Article 2 Section 3:

The President shall have power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session. (emphasis mine).

See? This seems to say that the vacancy has to happen during the recess, not extend into the recess for the President to be able to ride rough-shod over Congress.

Remember kids - this man is a uniter not a divider. But only if by uniter you mean embarrassment to this country.


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Mike, you must remember that Commander-in-Chief Bush is operating under Us Wartime Constitution, a very different document.

As John Yoo, GWB's constitutional expert say: "We are used to a peacetime system in which Congress enacts the laws, the president enforces them, and the courts interpret them. In wartime, the gravity shifts to the executive branch.''

There you are. As soon The War Against Terror is won, the ancient (peacetime) US Constitution will be operative again. Just allow 10 years for TWAT to be waged.

Borat said it best:

"We support your war of terror!"