It's funny how much smaller the "Monster Pig" looks in this photo (source).
And for what it's worth, here's one of the "positive comments" the boy hunter got:
Don't pay attention to those west coast sissys, they live out there because homosexuality is fround upon in the USAYour dad is teaching you how to survive in a world that's scareing most parents. Give a man a fish, he eats for a day
Teach a man to fish, and he has to take care of all the hippie wanna be seudo animal lovers who don't know squat aboutthe animals they eat, because they are to concerned with pushing same sex marriage and other forms of blasphemey.Pay no mind to those who think freedom of speech gives them the right to offend everyone.
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Y'know, it's a pity that issues of copyright won't allow anti-hunting organizations to have that quote and that photo made into a poster. As propaganda, it's hard to imagine anything more effective.
In the first pic, he was still scared of it so he sat about ten yards behind it (still holding the gun, in case).
But the kid looks bigger in this picture. Was there an estimate of his weight?
Maureen Lycaon , your a fucking idiot. How would the views of some dumbass backwoods retard make for a good anti-hunting poster. Y'know, it's a pity that your mind frame is just as biased as the rednecks above, so i guess fucking morons can come from allover.
The preceding comment from "jay jay mclovin" was posted from a machine in Nellis Air Force base in Nevada. I wonder how his bosses in the military would feel about his use of profanity (and government equipment)?
"you are always free to say what you like in your own blog at or elsewhere.) " Why have that on ur site if your gonna blow them up for doing it , if its such a problem then put up a reminder not to use profanity.
I guess I'm not a fan of calling people "a fucking idiot" just because they have an opinion different from me. Call me old fashioned.