The End of Evolution is Nigh (again)

Jason has been running a series about Tom Woodward’s recent talk at the Discovery Institute in Washington [1, 2, 3, 4]. This caught my eye:

Woodward closed by setting the date for the end of Darwinism’s reign as the dominant paradigm at ...wait for it...2025. Later he suggested that it might be within ten years that evolution as we know it suffers a decisive failure. And then he predicted a severe nosedive for evolution in the next six to twelve months as Behe’s book soaks into the public consciousness.

There’s the timetable, folks: 2008 a severe nosedive, 2017 decisive failure, and 2025 end of Darwinism. A prediction we have heard before.

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Didn't Dembski once predict that evolution would meet it's Waterloo in 2025?

By afarensis (not verified) on 10 Jun 2007 #permalink

From The Wedge Document.
"Phase I: Research, Writing and Publication"
"Phase I is the essential component of everything that comes afterward. Without solid scholarship, research and argument, the project would be just another attempt to indoctrinate instead of persuade."
"3. One hundred scientific, academic and technical articles by our fellows"
Now correct me if I'm wrong but Phase 1 of their strategy was meant to end in 2003 and I seem to have missed approximately 100 out of those 100 pro ID articles they were meant to publish, since, well, "without solid scholarship, research and argument, the project would be just another attempt to indoctrinate instead of persuade".

They have a textbook, which I think will warrant another trial, unfortunately (for the cdesign proponents, you can check the sources of "Explore Evolution").

By creeky belly (not verified) on 10 Jun 2007 #permalink

And by 2020 everyone will believe in a flat earth!

Well, at least that will make developing GIS programs easier

Thanks for providing that link. When I got to that part of my write-up, I considered pawing through my Johnson and Dembski books looking for similar predictions, but those blog entires were already so long that I decided I had had enough. 2025 seems to be a popular choice, though. Didn't World Magazine do a cover story a while back in which Dembski, Wells and a couple of other folks write a future history, from 2025, about the collapse of evolution?

Michael Behe speaks in Washington this Wednesday. Might have to go check that one out!

Re World Magazine. Yes, but unfortunately it is not freely available online anymore (, but the Wayback Machine comes to the rescue and you can still read the pieces by Johnson, Wells and Dembski.

Behe's talk ... wow, you really believe in taking one for the team, now don't you!

By John Lynch (not verified) on 11 Jun 2007 #permalink

When you live in wee little Harrisonburg, any excuse to visit the big city is welcome!

There's the timetable, folks: 2008 a severe nosedive, 2017 decisive failure, and 2025 end of Darwinism...

Unless, of course, some portentous event occurs on December 21, 2012 the last day of the Mayan long count calendar. :)