Back from the Sunday sermon

Just got back from my public lecture - approximately 90 secular humanists packed into the meeting room to hear me talk about the history of the Intelligent Design Movement and their recent fortunes. The talk lasted a little over an hour and there was plenty of questions and discussion afterwards. All good.

Here [swf] are the slides for the talk (minus some animations).

Update: Because the Flash seems to be causing problems for some people, here are the slides as a PDF. Also I've corrected the head count ... for some reason I had doubled the actual number.

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The Flash slideshow crashes my browser. Sigh.

Pity, because the first few slides looked VERY interesting prior to the browser crash.

By David Edwards (not verified) on 09 Sep 2007 #permalink

Outstanding slides!

I particularly like 69 and 72. I think between the two of those ID is thoroughly exposed as just a dressed-up creationist movement. In particular on 69 when they screw up the find-and-replace and leave in a c! I nearly plotzed when I saw that.

May I reproduce those two at some point? They're a wonderful rebuttal to the ID is not creationism argument.

@ MarkH

They're part of the Kitzmiller v Dover trial record, so feel free to use as necessary.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 09 Sep 2007 #permalink