Euro 2008


It happens every two years ... a veritable orgy of high-quality soccer. In 2006 it was the World Cup, this time around it is the European Championship.

So far, the Germans look efficient, the French were underwhelming, the Italian Diving Squad choked (badly), and the Dutch ... well they just dominated the Italians in their 3-0 win yesterday.

So, any predictions on the finalists?


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Bold prediction (not): Netherlands defeats Germany in the finals.

The Spanish are also looking fairly useful against the Russians (3-0 as I type). Could be a good tournament!

By John Lynch (not verified) on 10 Jun 2008 #permalink

Now I just need to get off the darned computer, turn on the TV and start watching the tournament, as in, like, watching entire games, not just snippets here and there!

Avoid the troll, folks.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 10 Jun 2008 #permalink

My son, who's studying in Italy, says the locals wrote off the Italian eleven long before their embarassing loss to the Oranje. My heart's with Spain ... they're overdue for a major tournament win. But my head's with Germany.

Having now seen all 16 teams in action, the leading contenders at the moment are the Spanish, the Dutch and the Portuguese. However It's early days yet and so I wont commit myself and to modify an old quote "a tournament is many games long and at the end the Germans win".

I got Greece in the office sweepstake. Judging on last nights stuffing by the Swedes, they won't be contenders. Heart says Spain/Netherlands, head says Germany.

There has been some truly excellent football thus far, but I couldn't choose between portugal and germany to get to the final let alone who they will face. I have a feeling that the dutch will win their group and whoever comes second (my money would be on italy) will resurrect their fortunes and knock out the spanish in the semi and lose to germany or portugal.

Ok John... Netherlands vs Italy, 1st goal. It's been discussed all over the inter-tubes. What's your call, offside or not?