Confidence in Bush as a World Leader


A poll of 20 nations (nearly 20,000 respondents) around the world finds that, while none of the national leaders examined inspire wide confidence, our glorious leader is one of the least trusted leaders, to such a degree as to be less trusted than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and only just beating out Pervez Musharraf. More details here. Heckofajob Bushie!


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Only a selected few Nigerians have Internet access. They probably got their computers via corrupt government or U.S. oil companies. Not just Nigeria - Bush has his highest ratings in 3rd world countries (unless they are Islamic) where most people don't have even a telephone.

By Lassi Hippeläinen (not verified) on 16 Jun 2008 #permalink

...and now that I finally got through to the site, I noticed that it wasn't one of those Internet polls that PZ Myers likes to crash for fun and profit.

Anyway, if you check the methodology, you notice that the study was delegated to local organizers. In Nigeria it is biased to urban areas. The randomness of the selections might be somewhat doubtful...

By Lassi Hippeläinen (not verified) on 16 Jun 2008 #permalink

Communist China has a higher rating than Great Britain and the rest of the European countries listed? Wow, who would have a thought that one? Mexico would be understandable with their low rating because of the massive illegal immigration issue. The middle east countries have always been low for any President so far because of the support for Israel.

Israel is conspicuously absent in the middle east section. I'd really like to know what they think. Really.

Israel is conspicuously absent in the middle east section. I'd really like to know what they think.

Condi Rice is briefing W about the world situation.

"And finally Mr President, I should let you know that 26 Brazilian soldiers died in a training accident yesterday..."

Bush: "Oh my GOD Condi! That's TERRIBLE! How could . . . ummm, can you remind me how big a number a brasillion is?"

By Amadán (not verified) on 20 Jun 2008 #permalink