Sarkar v Fuller? No contest.

We've mentioned Steve Fuller before on this blog both when he was giving "expert" testimony in Kitzmiller and when he went and produced a book (Dissent Over Descent: Intelligent Design's Challenge to Darwinism) on his thoughts regarding intelligent design. Now, John Wilkins brings to our attention a review of Fuller's book by philosopher of science Sahotra Sarkar. John has got his own favorite quote (which I will admit is wonderful), but I like this short, sharp, summation:

Fuller's analysis of the intellectual disputes over contemporary ID creationism is almost vacuous.

Do read the whole review, by the way, if only to see the difference between Fuller and someone who actually understands science, it's history, and the nature of the ID movement.

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Fuller's analysis of the intellectual disputes over contemporary ID creationism is almost vacuous.
