The Tyndall Correspondence Project


The Tyndall Correspondence Project (of which I am a participant) has now gone online. Our aim is to follow in the footsteps of the Darwin Correspondence Project and transcribe the letters of the Irish physicist, John Tyndall. The site is a little bare at the moment, but more information and resources will be forthcoming.

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Not yet. I'm waiting to see if we can get the NSF money to support a student.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 23 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'll be interested to read more on this as it progresses. My only interaction with Tyndall was as a biographer of Faraday.

John, looking forward to the Tyndall site. When do you think we'll be seeing some content? Michael


No real idea. Transcription of the letters has only just got really started.