ID rap (seriously!)

I have a dislike of hip-hop and rap. But when it is mixed with ID, well, I'm speechless. Witness Atom tha Immortal's silken rhymes:

Apocalyptic G-d presence/
Feeling the fire of G-d's essence/
You need Rosetta Stones to unlock my poem's message/
Born in a body of sand since early dawn/
Adam spawned genetic code of early on/
Written on the rocks of Hebron, The Earth Is Gone/
Reverted from an Information Age to Early Bronze/
Punishment of Civilization/
The only reason why this wicked nation ain't burning is G-d's patient/

The best decision/
For somebody in your position/
Is head down, hands up in submission/
We're where the future lies/
With Y-S-H-U-A the truth's alive/

Will somebody tell me how come/
My sound waves will never ricochet/
Obliterate your breath and leave your chest concave/
Killing a knave/
Sound decibel levels of wrath/
Your inner ear hammer will crack your anvil in half/
I follow a path through Euclidean spacetime/
Mythological allusion inserted in every line/
Telekinetically crack a lion's spine/
Freeing the blind from mind control on mankind's soul/
We strike Achilles at his heel/
We strike the modern man like Gregor Mendel, meddling with his alleles/
Wounds of Darwinian Theory will never heal/
Once the population finds Intelligent Design/
Enzymes hold the signs of a Divine Mind/
Darwinian speculation is useless/
To explain emergence/
Of cellular machines below the surface/
Seeing Specified Complexity points to a purpose/
Of a system of integrated parts/
Excluding chance as part/
Of how it could ever start/
I speak with truth and in reason/
But whether you believe or not/
We leave Darwinian fish bleeding/


Dennis Wagner over at the ARN ID Arts Blog predicts that "intelligent design will be here to stay when it appears in Hip-Hop music."

What is truly interesting is that Mr Immortal's name appears on Dembski & Marks' Evolutionary Informatics virtual lab where - it appears - he programmed their "Weasel Ware" and "EV Ware" programs. He's also over at Uncommon Descent commenting as "Atom" where he claims:

2008 was a good year for ID, since ID research was being done. Politics and opinions do not change truth; as long as the ID project is moving forward, then ID is having a good year. The only bad year for ID is when ID research is not being done.


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Has there ever been a year when ID research was done?

By michael fugate (not verified) on 28 Dec 2008 #permalink

1802 ... when Paley wrote "Natural Theology".

By John Lynch (not verified) on 28 Dec 2008 #permalink

Uh, so . . . God (does he really leave out the o?)
is going to Pwn! Darwin, someday ?
and Mixmaster Billy-D is going to help ?

Uh, okay.

Specified Complexity points to a purpose

Specified complexity and purpose in nature don't necessitate and god, nor an ID, and the world will be a much better place when weak-minded ideologues on both sides of the debate figure that out and quit making the wrong arguments to each other.

Do me a favor, John, walk over to the physics building and get agnostic, Paul Davies to confirm that for me, as he will.

"intelligent design will be here to stay when it appears in Hip-Hop music."

This clearly needs to be settled by a rap battle between Atom and Greydon Square.

By Shaden Freud (not verified) on 29 Dec 2008 #permalink

Atom has now officially appeared over at as their programmer.

G. "Atom" Montañez
BS Computer Science
Web Design and Programming
atomtitan [at] gmail [dot] com

The "G." stands for "George". He's a BS comp sci person out of Riverside CA.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 02 Jan 2009 #permalink

Atom is also a good friend and fan of my novel, "The Days of Peleg", for which he designed an alternate cover (which you can see at the link).
He has also just released a new album.

See also this excerpt from Atom's 'Machines of God':

At the feet of the Redeemer of Isra'el/
Written in historical records/
Documented in Tacitus and Josephus/
For those who don't believe us/
Check the marks of Architecture written on a fetus/
Neural nets and error-correcting codes complete us/
Problem in complexity-theory/
Only solved by intelligent agency/
And one that pre-dates man/
Draw your own conclusion like a line in the sand/
I know who I praise/
The Ancient of Days/
The Great I AM/
Set my face harder than steel/
Until the stage where man remakes machines in his image/
Till they learn to hate us/
Turn against their creators for selfish reasons/
So we can know how G-d feels when human beings leave him/
Repent from your treason.


Since Atom, with a B.S. in computer science, is trying to argue that the science of biology is fundamentally flawed, may I ask how long he's been completely delusional?

By Shaden Freud (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Well, you'd have to ask him.

My guess would be along these lines:

When an engineer sees something that is obviously engineered, he/she gets excited. When a programmer sees something that is obviously programmed, he/she gets excited.

When an evolutionary biologist see life, he/she thinks "Duh, I guess life just happens," and doesn't bother dealing with the real sciences of information theory, nano-technology, design inference, and how emergent Von Neumann systems require intelligent input.

But that's just my guess.

I also would like to say that I find it somewhat inconsiderate to "out" Atom with his given name, email address, and occupation. You're probably someone who thinks it is "cool" to tell everyone that Sting's real name is Gordon.

Of course, please forgive me if you've already received permission from him.

I've linked my name to a blog of mine that outlines actual ID.

I also would like to say that I find it somewhat inconsiderate to "out" Atom with his given name, email address, and occupation. You're probably someone who thinks it is "cool" to tell everyone that Sting's real name is Gordon.

Well, considering it was he (I assume) over at the Dembski/Marks Lab who posted his name, email, and the link to his website, I think you are being a tad idiotic here. Do your homework!

When an evolutionary biologist see life, he/she thinks "Duh, I guess life just happens," and doesn't bother dealing with the real sciences of information theory, nano-technology, design inference, and how emergent Von Neumann systems require intelligent input.

And this too is a tad idiotic. No one says "Duh, I guess life just happens". "Real sciences" as opposed to what? "Design inference" as "real science"? Really?

By John Lynch (not verified) on 10 Jan 2009 #permalink

Um... "Life just happens" IS the definition of evolutionary abiogenesis.

Undirected chance (happens) constrained by the miracle of Natural Selection acting on the (chance) environment and fed by (again chance) mutations.

This IS neo-Darwinism, and "Life just happens" is the statement of faith against which no heresy, dissent, contradictory evidence, alternate views, or doubt is tolerated.

Try saying something other than "I guess life just happens" and see how quickly you get shut down, black-listed -- or called idiotic.

Also, design inference is certainly a real science, as it is used by archeology, forensics, and even SETI (which somehow studies something that has never been observed). Try solving a crime without testing whether it was deliberate or accidental.

No scientist studying the origin of life says "Duh, I guess life just happens" - they actually try to find out how life came about, i.e. what natural mechanisms are responsible for the event. As such, they are actually attempting to do science (which is more than ID proponents are doing).

Try using Dembski's design inference to study anything. In the 14 odd-years since it has appeared, it hasn't been used in any real-world situation. I wonder why? (Your appeals to nanotechnology and Von Neumann systems are smoke).

Your placement of "real sciences" versus evolutionary biology (which, by the way, has nothing to say about the problem of the origin of life) indicates you know little about the latter. I suggest you get reading.

And since I've already fed the troll too much, I'll just stop now.