The Obama mind controllers and Springsteen

Andy Schlafly over at the Eagle Forum on Springsteenâs performance at the Super Bowl half-time show:

Springsteen sang nearly all his top hits ... except there was one glaring omission. He did not sing "Born in the U.S.A.," one of his most popular tunes of all.

Wonder why??? The Obama mind controllers would not have been happy if he sang that title! Obama still has not proven that he was born in the U.S.A.

Seriously folks, let it go. Youâre only embarrassing yourselves.

And on a related note, Iâm going to the Springsteen concert here in April.


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The Obama Mind Controllers sounds like one of those trashy novels you find in airport bookshops: The Omega Touch, Deep Undercover Masters, the babble, etc.

God forbid they should actually *listen* to "Born in the U.S.A.". Then, maybe, they'd see a *reason* why Springsteen didn't sing it now that Obama is in the White House.

(Not saying there's any connection at all, but IIRC, "Born in the U.S.A." is not actually a paeon to the wonders of living in the U.S., but more of a protest song about good ol' hard working blue-collar folk being screwed around by the rich folk and politicos.)

In related news, Springsteen did not sing "The Ghost of Tom Joad" because Obama is not, in fact, a grape of wrath.

Most of Andy Boy's commenters think he lost the last of his marbles on this one. Quite a few quote the song and ask him if he's ever actually heard it. But the best comment was one where repubs were equated to dinosaurs. Maybe this is where the fundies get the idea man and dinosaurs walked together....

There's a lot of songs Springsteen didn't sing. Why not? Does he hate us for our freedom or something? I bet he likes french fries too. Just sayin...

This is my favorite comment by far:

I don't think that you understand what "Born in the USA" is about.

And you clearly don't understand what Bruce Springsteen is about.

Stick with something that you do know, like E. coli. Heh heh.

By Rich Irwin, at 9:25 pm

It is interesting that Andy's post has now disappeared from the eagle forum blog...

By Michael Fugate (not verified) on 04 Feb 2009 #permalink

Awwwhhh. It's so cute when they use the memory hole. For posterity, here's the original:

Notice how Springsteen skipped his song "Born in the U.S.A." at the Super Bowl?

Bruce Springsteen is a liberal rock star who sang during the halftime of the Super Bowl last night. He has working class appeal.

Springsteen sang nearly all his top hits ... except there was one glaring omission. He did not sing "Born in the U.S.A.," one of his most popular tunes of all.

Wonder why??? The Obama mind controllers would not have been happy if he sang that title! Obama still has not proven that he was born in the U.S.A.

Emphasis as in original.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 04 Feb 2009 #permalink

Obama's met the standards of proof for courts of law. DNA would be better, but there's no way DNA could apply in this instanr.

Schlafly also appears not to be much of a Springsteen fan. If he knew what the lyric of "Born in the U.S.A." was, maybe he'd understand.