10 Things I Hate About Commandments

This is three years old now but worth a repost given the season in question.

HT to Crooks and Liars for reminding me of this.


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Excellent cattch - thanks for the link! I would actually pay money to see the movie pictured in the trailer. It looks much better than the movie that showed on my TV all week-end long.

I think I just fell out of my chair laughing...LOL


That cuts the taste of the sanctimonious BS from the last few days.

Thanks, I needed that.

For what it is, the 10 commandments is a good movie.
Well-made, reasonably well acted, period special effects.
The problem being, it's an hour-long advertisement for religion. A more interesting, pre-MPAA system movie is Noah's Ark, made in 1928 written by D F Zanuck.