Armchair Musings

This week's question: How is it that all the PIs (Tara, PZ, Orac et al.), various grad students, post-docs, etc. find time to fulfill their primary objectives (day jobs) and blog so prolifically? There are a few things to say about this.  It helps to be proficient with the technology involved, so that the process of writing and posting is not itself an obstacle.   What I do to facilitate the process is this: first I get an idea, and do a little background research.  Only rarely to I sit and write a port right away.  Rather, I spend five minutes or so scanning the articles that I will…
While doing background research for my next post, I learned that this is National Men's Health Week.   href=""> The National Men's Health Week is an official government activity in accordance with Senate Joint Resolution 179 of 1994, introduced by Senator Bob Dole.  Remember Bob Dole?  He used to be the next President of the United States, and later became a href="">spokesperson for the Viagra advertising campaign. Continue reading... href="…
Memoirs are a big thing in the popular-book publishing arena these days.  It is a fad that is sure to pass.  I intend to hasten its passing with a micro-memoir of my own. I am in Chicago.  I have come to Chicago to visit the University of Chicago, and to collect 23 of my chromosomes.  (They wandered off last September). I have come from a spot near a decaying industrial city in the Midwest.  A minor item on my agenda for this trip, is to learn the secrets of Prosperity from town where people still prosper.  My success in this venture is assured by my skill as a Natural Observer of…