Art Robinson
Art Robinson, of Oregon Petition fame is running for Congress. Peter Sinclair has Robinson's interview by Rachel Maddow. Robinson comes across as more than a little nutty -- rather than elaborate on his views on hormesis (radioctive waste is good for you!) he just insisted that quotes from his own writing were lies in some unspecified way.
Also of interest is Sinclair's latest Crock showing a simple experiment to demonstrate the effects of CO2 on the atmosphere.
Allow me to shorten Heartland's 2009 International Conference on Climate Change for you.
Joseph L. Bast: Bray's survey shows that there is no consensus.
Vaclav Klaus: Environmentalists have a secret plan to "return mankind centuries back".
Richard Lindzen: It is an error to say "It's the sun!"
Tom McClintock: Al Gore is fat. And, it's the sun!
Lawrence Solomon: Environmental organizations are pawns of the foundations that fund them.
Tom Segalstad: Total human emissions of CO2 are twice the alleged increase in atmospheric CO2, therefore human emissions cannot be the cause of the increase.