Comments Policy

Greetings, Gentle Readers. I just rescued a number of comments from hang-up in moderation. No idea why most of them got moderated - they didn't even have links in them. Some of them were made many days ago. I want to apologize to you all for not getting those comments out there sooner. I have been going through a bout of almost daily migraine and have not been on the computer much at all, let alone blogging, let alone tending to the blog. Until I get my next botox treatment and it kicks in, it may continue like this so please be patient.
I finally had a chance to check in and I discovered three comments languishing in the junk folder, waiting for me to promote them to publication. A few were weeks old. I'm really sorry about that. I'm involved in a 24/7 caretaking situation and just don't have much spare time. I'll try to pay attention a little more frequently.
I don't know what is going on, but most new comments seem to be getting held for moderation and/or sent by the spam filter into my junk folder. I have just retrieved a bunch of them from the junk folder (including one of my own) and gotten them published. However, I am about to leave for an overnight trip and won't be back until late tomorrow evening, and won't have computer access the whole time. Please be advised that if your comment does not show up, it may be due to whatever strange glitch is causing this weird behavior of my spam filter. I'm sorry, and will get all comments published…
The last week or so, some of you may have noticed that you submit a comment and it doesn't show up in the comments thread right away. I'm assuming you get the message that the comment is being held for approval by the blog owner. At least I hope so. Please note: you are not being singled out for any special treatment. Usually, comments with more than one URL in them will be automatically flagged as possible spam and shunted to a special folder for me to review and approve. Unfortunately, my checking in is sporadic and sometimes a comment in holding gets held up for a long time. I do…
It's almost time for class to start, and people will want to comment on the posts I'll be making. I thought I'd offer a few guidelines for "class discussion". There will be two basic types of posts for each set of readings. One post will include the citation/summary/analyses of each assigned reading. There will be at least one additional post for these readings in which I will offer some discussion of the readings in relation to one another and/or to other material of my choosing. You are invited to comment, as usual, on either post. On the citation/summary/analysis post, I especially…
The mysterious pixies who were haunting Thus Spake Zuska and messing with my ability to post comments and do other blog tasks have gone away. Either the fabulous Tim Murtaugh has cured my website, or it healed itself. Whatever. All seems to be operational again.
If you have tried to post a comment to this blog in the last few days and got a message telling you it was being held for approval by the blog owner, don't feel bad. I got the same message. Also, I didn't receive my own comment to be able to approve it. And I didn't receive yours, if you made one. So don't think I'm ignoring you. I just haven't heard from you. I don't know why. The good folks at will have this sorted out in no time, I am sure. In the meantime... Please stand by...
Update: Okay, screw Typekey, it's anything goes here. Anyone may comment, comments will be immediately published, and I will rely on the spam filter. Let's see how that works! Advantages: Still less work for me, less hassle for you. I can always delete spam that slips through. Also, apparently the email link on the Contact tab wasn't working, so I just replaced it with my email address written out. I'm still settling into the new home here, and finding my way around. I did have the comments filter set to accept comments from anyone after screening by me, but that seemed unduly…