Comments Seem To Be Messed Up Temporarily...

I don't know what is going on, but most new comments seem to be getting held for moderation and/or sent by the spam filter into my junk folder. I have just retrieved a bunch of them from the junk folder (including one of my own) and gotten them published. However, I am about to leave for an overnight trip and won't be back until late tomorrow evening, and won't have computer access the whole time. Please be advised that if your comment does not show up, it may be due to whatever strange glitch is causing this weird behavior of my spam filter. I'm sorry, and will get all comments published ASAP when I get back.

Thanks to all of you for reading and commenting.

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This seems to be an ongoing problem at Thus Spake Zuska. Can you please get someone to help you re: the commenting and spam / moderating system used here?

I appreciate that you post entries to let people know that there's a problem.

I have asked our tech wizard to look into what is going on. FWIW, I believe it is happening on other blogs at SB. Again, all I can say is I'm sorry and I am trying to get someone to fix it as soon as possible. I don't know what the problem is.

Oh, so it may be a system-wide problem, perhaps? Hm.

Thanks for kind response. I hope I didn't sound too curt in my first comment.