
Uh-oh. Evolution has just been refuted by a very sophisticated simulation. Try it; you'll quickly discover how frustratingly boring evolution can be, and you'll give up on it. The 'simulation' is simple: put some random text in a box, click on a button, it randomly substitutes a random letter for some other letter, and whoa…you'll notice that your excerpt from the libretto of Figaro hasn't been transformed into the Gettysburg address. Therefore, evolution is false. Seriously, it's that bad, and the author actually does think he has accomplished something significant. It's a simulation that…
James Trumm has a single issue, one that trumps all the others in the election booth, and I have to agree with him. It's a kind of signal flare that says the person advocating it is a total loon and not to be trusted on anything. That issue is creationism. I will never vote for anyone who favors creationism, no matter how commendable their position on other matters. Trumm makes a good case: Evolution is the canary in the coal mine of enlightenment, of science, of reality itself. When it finds it hard to breathe, that is a clear sign that the atmosphere has become toxic. Again, Chris Hedges,…
We went round and round on this well over a year ago. Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, wrote a shallow and ignorant argument that sort of shilly-shallied over a pro-creationist argument; I pointed out how stupid his reasoning was. The response was insane; criticize Adams, and his horde of Dilbert fans will descend on you like a cloud of pea-brained locusts. Adams took a stab at the subject again, proposing that at least we ought to teach it as an alternative to evolution, an old and tiresome argument that I thoroughly despise. Basically, Adams just outed himself as a feeble hack making tepid…
Bush is trying to do an end run around the newly elected Democratic Congress. Because we all know the American people spoke clearly in the last election, and they said, "We want to gut environmental and worker protection!" From the NY Times (italics mine): President Bush has signed a directive that gives the White House much greater control over the rules and policy statements that the government develops to protect public health, safety, the environment, civil rights and privacy. In an executive order published last week in the Federal Register, Mr. Bush said that each agency must have a…
Oh, but I am dragging this morning. Have you ever done that thing where you start reading a book and you don't want to put it down, and eventually you realize it's late and you need to get some sleep, so you go to bed but you can't sleep anyway so you get up and finish the whole book? And then you get a couple hours of sleep before you have to get up again? And your whole day is like trudging through molasses afterwards? That's me. The book is Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for America's Soul(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll) by Edward Humes, and from the title I think you…
You really must take a look at this video clip from an HBO special on American Christianity and specifically creationism. I just got finished watching Alexandra Pelosi's Friends of God documentary on HBO and was taken aback at what has become an increasing trend among American christianists. This particular part on evangelicals and evolution (and what they teach their children about the science of evolution) was very disturbing. The "secular progressive" War on Christmas has nothing on the evangelical War on Science. It's distressing stuff — especially the scenes with the poor kids being…
I recently posted about creationists who want their 'biology' courses to be taken seriously by universities. Josh takes to task a libertarian who states "if we chose to mandate what is taught about human origins, and we are true democrats, we should mandate equal time for creationism and evolution." So, I found on the internets a description of Biology for Christian Schools, a creationist textbook, written by the textbook's authors. Creationism should never be viewed in the abstract, but as the mindless indoctrination that it is. Hold your breath and dive in; the passage destroys the…
A Colorado state senator (a Republican from Colorado Springs, of course), Dave Schultheis, is pushing a draft of an absurd bill to open public schools wide to religious indoctrination, all in the name of the first amendment to the constitution. It's a demand to create a "Public School Religious Bill Of Rights", with a long list of religious privileges. Some of them are trivial: it ought to be OK for students to give each other holiday cards with religious sentiments (and of course, they already can), or greet each other with religious slogans (like, say, "Merry Christmas"…hasn't the war on…
Just in case anyone sensible in the Minneapolis/St Paul area feels like exposing yourself to the wild and crazy world of Minnesota creationism, here are the events coming up in February. On the 17th, you can attend the creation science fair in the Har Mar Mall, and you can drop in to the Christian bookstore there (with a great selection of creationist claptrap in stock) to listen to a DVD debate. I think "DVD debate" just means they'll be playing some noise from Ken Ham and Hugh Ross, and you can watch. Young Earth Creationists vs. Old Earth Creationists: frickin' loons vs. nutty…
Apparently, I've been labeling the Discovery Institute incorrectly all these years. It's not a think-tank, it's a belief tank.
Sara Robinson raises an interesting solution to "end the Intelligent Design fiasco", one that has been discussed here at ScienceBlogs before. Her suggestion is to have universities declare: "Teach what you like, it's all fine with us. But if you put ID in your science courses, we will not accept those courses as adequate for admission to our campus." I think there's a legitimate argument here: if your religious views make it impossible to accept multiple lines of evidence supporting a well-documented theory, then, yes, you should be discriminated against, in that you are not remotely…
There are also more responses to the U of California lawsuit described by Sara Robinson the other day. See what Amanda and PZ Myers have to say about it. Edit: and Mike
Pat Boone.
The IDists under Dembski have set up this truly cringeworthy site called "Overwhelming Evidence" that caters to the younger set—and if you think the pronouncements of the mature followers of the Blessed Designer are batty, you ought to read what the characters on that site write. I find myself running away, my fragile sensibilities fried, but it looks like Matt of Pooflingers Anonymous is made of sterner stuff. For instance, I found it nearly impossible to read the praise of Kazmer Ujvarosy, who seems to be operating on a wavelength of about 0.9 Timecubes. This is a guy who thinks ID is the…
I could not believe this thread at the forum. Wesley Elsberry pointed out an instance of blatant fraud in a creationist presentation by Cornelius Hunter: Then there was the ID conference in San Francisco where Dr. Cornelius G. Hunter, the "expert" involved in the antievolution shenanigans in Roseville, CA, presented the wolf and thylacine as identical twins separated at birth argument. His visual aid, handily printed in the proceedings, consisted of two images side-by-side. On one side, you had the usual painting of two thylacines in color. On the other, you had the same…
You can now download the interview by Karl Mogel of Ken Miller and me. You'll want to listen to it first of all for 1) Ken Miller, 2) the music I suggested, and lastly and leastly, 3) me. Unfortunately, I wasn't impressed with Miller's explanation of his comments in Kansas against atheists—it would help if he could make a defense without relying on straw-man mischaracterizations of prominent atheists. The sound track is Roger Waters' music for "The Body", which has a nice biological theme, but also makes a sneaky dig at Intelligent Design creationism—it's got fart sounds in it. Now there is…
Sara at Orcinus has an excellent article on the UC/Calvary Chapel Christian School lawsuit, in which a Christian private school is suing the University of California system to require them to accept their dreck for credit. She's right that the universities need to stand up for standards, but I do have some problems with her opening statement: it ignores some complexities. I've been saying for a long while now that the power to end the Intelligent Design fiasco, firmly and finally and with but a single word, rests in the manicured hands of the chancellors of America's top universities. The…
Yesterday, I pointed out that Jonathan Wells was grossly ignorant of basic ideas in evo-devo. This isn't too surprising; he's a creationist, he has an agenda to destroy evolutionary biology, and he's going to rail against evolution…same ol', same ol'. That's nothing, though. Wells and his fellows at the Discovery Institute have an even more radical goal of fighting natural, material explanations of many other phenomena, and his latest screed at the DI house organ is against natural explanations of development. Not evolution, not evo-devo, just plain basic developmental biology—apparently, he…
Most of our anti-Creationist battles are over efforts to infuse Christian religion into K-12 education. One common battlefield is the courtroom where our side has (so far, until/unless the benches get filled with more clones of Priscilla Owen) won. But another place where we can stop them is the college admission office. Sara Robinson of the Orcinus blog (which everybody should read daily) revisits, in more detail than I ever saw on any science blogs at the time this first started, the legal battle between the University of California and the Calvary Chapel Christian School over what…
If one were asked who the very worst advocate for Intelligent Design creationism was, it would be a difficult decision—there are so many choices! Should we go back to first principles and pick PJ Johnson, the cunning lawyer who has the goal of undermining all of science? Smarmy and obtuse Sal Cordova? Pompous and vacuous William Dembski? I'm afraid my personal most loathed ID creationist has got to be Jonathan Wells. The reason? The man claims to be a developmental biologist, my favorite field of science, and actually has some credentials in the discipline…but every time he speaks out on the…