College football season is coming to an end (I guess technically, the season is over - it is bowl season). Anyway, this is something I wanted to do a long time ago, but I kept getting side tracked. If I don't do it now, I will never do it. Most people know that a ball without air resistance (traditional projectile motion) goes the farthest if you throw it at a 45 degree angle. What if there is air resistance? Why is 45 the best angle without air resistance? What other questions are there?
I posted about projectile motion before - so you might want to start there. When people say "…
Ok - I like Alabama football (sorry, but it's true). There is a clip on youtube of the end of the Alabama-Auburn game where the fans sing the traditional "Rammer Jammer". If you don't know what that is, don't worry. I am not sure I completely approve of the cheer, but it is a tradition. If you are curious, here it is:
So, what is cool about this? Notice that the entire crowd is yelling the same thing, but they are out of sync. Can this be used to estimate the size of the stadium?
I made an audio file from that youtube clip and looked at it with Audacity. Although I am completely…