
Lya Kahlo carried out an informal atheistical survey of Christian forums—she visited 35 online religious forums as an openly atheist but friendly visitor, to sample their attitudes. The results aren't pretty. Her summary: The entire experience can be summed up fairly easily. Generally speaking, they know next to nothing about atheists, they are extremely emotionally attached to their deities, and they are just people looking for truth as we are. The animosity that sparks between atheists and theists seems to stem from the two camps speaking two different languages - atheists speak in terms of…
Chris is clearly trying to drum up support among My People*. *My People. You know, godless nature lovers who like turtle sex. We're a  h u g e  demographic.
Just in case anyone is concerned that I'll soften my hardline rejection of all religion just because I've assumed fancy new corporate digs, allow me to quote Dan Savage approvingly. And finally, to Rob in Albany who felt my aside was proof of my intolerance and hypocrisy: Joking about Christianity isn't evidence that I'm intolerant—hell, I'm perfectly willing to tolerate Christians. I have never, for instance, attempted to prevent Christians from marrying each other, or tried to stop them from adopting children, or worked to make it illegal for them to hold certain jobs. I don't threaten to…
Pat Robertson's remarks about Sharon—once again blaming human suffering on divine retribution—have put a crimp in his pocketbook. He's been leading a consortium to open a Christian theme park in Israel, and finally the Israelis have noticed that Robertson is a tasteless bigot and dishonest con-man. A spokesman for the tourism minister says he's out now. Mr Hartuv left the door open to continuing the project but only with evangelists who disown Mr Robertson's statements. "The contract is still open - just not with Mr Robertson. If there are other Christian leaders, they are most welcome to…