This coming Monday I'll be putting up the first in what I hope will be a long series of interviews with paleontologists, and I'm setting the bar high with Bob Bakker. The predatory habits of Tyrannosaurus, the relationship of Dracorex to Pachycephalosaurus, and the current evolution v. creationism controversy are all discussed (plus much more), so be sure to check back on Monday to see the full interview.
I don't know how often I'll be able to post interviews (that will depend on the paleontologists), but I've got a few other people in mind. Who else would you like to hear from? I'm…
It's amazing how things come together, sometimes. I mentioned that I wanted to start a series of "Profiles in Paleontology," and an opportunity to ask Robert T. Bakker some questions about the evolution, extinction, and daily lives of dinosaurs presents itself almost immediately. Expect to see the interview sometime early this coming week.
A few weeks ago Andrew from Zooillogix suggested that we jointly interview entomologist Justin O. Schmidt, creator of the infamous 'Schmidt Pain Index.' Both Andrew and I had found the index fascinating since it cataloged in (literally) excruciating detail the subjective feeling of being stung by a bevy of venomous insects, rating them on a scale from 0 to 4. We were finally able to track Dr. Schmidt down and send him a few quick questions to pick his brain about venoms, pain, his work at the Carl Hayden Bee Research Center in Tucson. Thanks very much to Dr. Schmidt for being such a great…