
"Life exists in the universe only because the carbon atom possesses certain exceptional properties." -James Jeans Here on Earth, every living thing is based around four fundamental, elemental building blocks of life: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and, perhaps most importantly, carbon. Image Credit: Robert Johnson / University of Pennsylvania. From diamonds to nanotubes to DNA, carbon is indispensable for constructing practically all of the most intricate structures we know of. Most of the carbon in our world comes from long-dead stars, in the form of Carbon-12: carbon atoms containing six…
tags: Japan, spa prank, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video I love Japan and the Japanese, but watching videos like this tend to make me paranoid. How about you?
A little background here: Japanese squid monster moisturizer tentacle woman video. Yup.
After becoming entangled in a fishing net off the coast of Nobeoka, Miyazaki Prefrecture in Japan, a wounded and exhausted young dolphin was taken to Umitamago Aquarium, also known as Oita Marine Palace Aquarium. The dolphin did not have the energy to keep itself afloat and after a couple of days of holding the dolphin to make sure it didn't sink, the aquarium staff were also worn out. This is when aquarium vets got the clever idea of fashioning a dolphin lifejacket shown below. This is where the story gets less cute. According to this Reuters article, the aquarium intends to keep their…
A not at all exhaustive collection of cool bizarro aquariums. Modular fish tank Toilet tank. Kind of like fish purgatory. The Fish-Bird Tank-Cage many more below the fold... Sink tank The sophisticated ichthyologist's sitting room A concept piece by a Japanese architectural firm More of the above This robotic fish tank senses which direction the fish is swimming and drives off in that direction. Could prove extremely useful in absolutely no circumstances. In this Korean tank, the pump and aerator are powered via USB. Additionally, temperature is controlled via software on your…
Sometimes, you find weird stuff on the internet. But sometimes you find even weirder stuff in scientific journals. To what do I refer? A paper in the Journal of Mathematical Geology back in 2000 entitled Godzilla from a Zoological Perspective, by Per Christiansen. This was written as a critique of the "new Godzilla" movie, arguing that it is not more biologically plausible than the "old Godzilla" of 1954. However, calculations show that his limbs and limb muscles must have been severely undersized to move his huge bulk around at even a leisurely pace, and most other biological problems with…
Welcome to the eleventh and by far the most important, although surprisingly the most poorly formatted, installment of Carnival of the Blue. Before we get down to the watery, salty, and sometimes rubbery details, we wanted to take a moment to ponder the significance of Zooillogix's role as host of the eleventh COB. Why not the fifth or the ever popular tenth? Why not the second or maybe seventh, sixth, eighth, ninth or third? Well, according to Biblestudy.org, "If ten is the number which marks the perfection of Divine order, then eleven is an addition to it, subversive of and undoing that…
I know this is utterly off-topic for a bug blog, but Human Tetris is so strangely fascinating that I have to share: