Curious to know what people in STEM fields love about their jobs? Ever wonder what it takes to begin a STEM career? Join the USA Science & Engineering Festival and experts from Lockheed Martin, Project Lead The Way and Bucknell University on Twitter to discuss their path to a career in STEM. The expert panel includes Festival Inspiration and Co-Founder Larry Bock, Jeff Wilcox, VP of Engineering from Lockheed Martin, Dr. Margot Vigeant, Associate Dean (college of engineering) and Professor of Chemical Engineering from Bucknell University, Dr. Vince Bertram, President and CEO of PLTW and…
Jeff Wilcox
By Jeff Wilcox, Lockheed Martin Vice President for Engineering
Planning for the third USA Science & Engineering Festival is well underway, and I couldn’t be more excited.
As the vice president for engineering at Lockheed Martin, and the father of three sons, I’m proud to be part of a company that serves as the founding and presenting host of this Festival, which will inspire our youngest Americans with the power of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). We have a vested interest in STEM—not just because it’s critical to the future of our company, but because it’s critical to…