Join Festival Co-Founder Larry Bock & STEM Experts for E-week Twitter Chat

twitterCurious to know what people in STEM fields love about their jobs? Ever wonder what it takes to begin a STEM career? Join the USA Science & Engineering Festival and experts from  Lockheed MartinProject Lead The Way and Bucknell University on Twitter to discuss their path to a career in STEM. The expert panel includes Festival Inspiration and Co-Founder Larry Bock, Jeff Wilcox, VP of Engineering from Lockheed Martin, Dr. Margot Vigeant, Associate Dean (college of engineering) and Professor of Chemical Engineering from Bucknell University, Dr. Vince Bertram, President and CEO of  PLTW and more!

Tweet your questions about STEM careers, overcoming challenges, and inspiring students to @USAScienceFest@LockheedMartin@BU_ENGR, or @PLTWorg with the #eweekchat14 hashtag.

Questions will be selected from those tweeted with the #eweekchat14 and @PLTWorg will host the chat during National Engineers Week on Wednesday, February 19 at 8pm-8:30pm EST.

Our mission is to re-invigorate the interest of our nation’s youth in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by producing and presenting the most compelling, exciting, educational and entertaining science festival in the United States. We are excited to build the momentum for the Expo Finale with social outreach on twitter and Facebook.


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