Jon Jenkins

Pure Poison is a new blog covering the intellectual dishonesty of Australia's punditocrats. Tobias Ziegler covers Marohasy's response to Bond University's categorical denial of her claim that Jon Jenkins had been fired for his opinions: But her most disingenuous statement was the following: My original blog piece included both fact and opinion. You may disagree with my opinion (based on the facts and my world view), but the facts stand. Mr Lambert queried the facts unsuccessfully. His opinion (based on his world view), though, has not changed. Marohasy claimed that "[f]or his opinion,"…
I asked the Bond University registrar about Marohasy's claim that: For his opinion, Professor Jenkins received an official reprimand from the Bond University Registrar and then was informed last Friday that his adjunct status had been revoked. The registrar replied: Dr Jenkins was a member of staff here for some considerable time and resigned to enter the NSW Parliament. Dr Jenkins was asked to keep an association with University as an adjunct but indicated in 2008 that serious health problems would probably prevent him taking an active role. As a result Dr Jenkins was removed from the…
When discussing Jon Jenkin's use of a ridiculous sixth-degree poynomial fit to temperatures to argue that they were steeply trending down, I suggested that local regression (loess) was a much better method for showing trends. I was going to get around to plotting one, but Tamino has saved me the trouble by producing a loess smooth on GISS temperatures. See Tamino's post for more graphs, including one showing how Dennis Avery misrepresented temperature trends even worse than Jenkins did.
Ian Musgrave has written the post I was going to write on Jon Jenkins' article in the Australian, so I just want to emphasize that fitting a degree six (yes, degree six) to temperature data does not produce a meaningful trend line in any way shape or form. Go read. Note that if the editors at the Australian had bothered to read their own paper just three days earlier they would have known that the Jenkins' claims about the Oregon petition and global cooling were rubbish. News Limited blogger Grame Redfearn also pointed out the enormous holes in Jenkins' arguments and talked to Australia's…