Map that Campus

Can it be? Number ten? OK time for a real challenge. Here is a little twist, I'll present two aerial photos, and you tell me what is the connection? (that's a big hint) View larger photo View larger photo Leave your answers in the comments section.
OK here is this weeks aerial photo: Click here for a larger version and the hint: Where we came from (But our cousin was found in a cardboard box) As usual leave your guesses in the comment section (or if you don't want to ruin it for others email me, I'll post emailed answers over the weekend) .
I suppose it's that time of the week. Without further delay I present today's mystery campus: Click here for a larger version. And the hint: Little Droplet of Lard How to get in? It'll take a tag-team effort! Know what any of this means? Or the identity of the mystery campus? Well then leave a comment. (But hury, this one is a bit on the easy side.)
Last week was tough, however it was solved in less than an hour. This week ... well we'll see how long this lasts. So without further delay here is this week's mystery campus: Click here for a larger image. Hint: Black Capes Good luck!
After the World Cup I've been racing through a month of neglected work (thus no time to blog). Big stories in Cell Biology: actin gets arginylated (spell?), mRNA targetted to the ER gets degraded in times of stress, and the major paradigm shift in the Golgi (the biggest two papers this year, IMHO). OK enough of that ... time for my Friday special: Click here to view a larger version. OK this one will be HARD (very, very, hard). Here is the clue: Near where the Earth shook, like it never did before or since (as far as we can tell). A further hint: think different hemisphere. BTW last week's…
OK here is the satelite photo: Click here for a larger image. Here is the hint: Cells Divide, but sometimes they Can't What is the mystery campus? And what in the world does the hint mean? (BTW last week's hint is still up for grabs ... there are plenty of clues in the comments.)
Well you guys have been pretty good at guessing the mystery campus. But in addition I'd like you to tell me the answer to the riddle/hint. (Last week no one really explained what the first part of the riddle meant - even after Bil posted an additional hint in the comment section.) So here is this week's campus: Click here for a larger image. And the hint: Should you obey your leaders? I'll refrain from confirming a correct answer until the weekend.
Time for another Map that Campus. I provide the aerial photo and a hint, you tell me the mystery Campus. The first two mystery Campus were solved rather rapidly (and I suspect that this one will be as well). So here goes: Click here for a larger image. Alpha, beta Yea, yea, yea But a cannon They took away If you know the answer due to insider information, please wait a while before posting, thanks.
Time for another Map That Campus. And here is today's campus: Click here to view a larger version And the hint: DNA, DNA [A]=[T], [C]=[G] Add some lipids And slip it into cells So what is the mystery campus? Previously: Map that Campus I
(Inspired by the now abandoned Scavengeroogle) I've been so busy with work and the World Cup, I just can't perform any intensive intellectual activity, so instead I'll let you do the work ... so here it is ... Map that Campus. How does this work? I'll show you a satellite photo (courtesy of Google Maps) and give you a hint. You tell me what the mystery campus is. So here is Campus #1: (We'll start off easy) Click here to view a larger version This one's close to home But not far enough I'll try to post a new one every couple of days ... good luck.