Map that Campus I

(Inspired by the now abandoned Scavengeroogle)

I've been so busy with work and the World Cup, I just can't perform any intensive intellectual activity, so instead I'll let you do the work ... so here it is ... Map that Campus.

How does this work?

I'll show you a satellite photo (courtesy of Google Maps) and give you a hint. You tell me what the mystery campus is.

So here is Campus #1:

(We'll start off easy)

Click here to view a larger version

This one's close to home
But not far enough

I'll try to post a new one every couple of days ... good luck.

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Not McGill ... (although yes I'm originally from Montreal ... which is too far away!)

Isn't it Harvard Med? Longwood Circle, the quadrangle... also Alex, the tiny "Commonwealth of Massachusetts" at the bottom is a Big Hint.

Fun idea for a game, though.



Harvard Med? Longwood Circle, the quadrangle

Yes it is!

also Alex, the tiny "Commonwealth of Massachusetts" at the bottom is a Big Hint.

I guess it does. Good eyes. (although I did say that I was going to start with an easy one)