John McCain has a good heath care plan, and if has his way, you won't.
The Senator most often accredited for thinking for himself (that's a lie) will vote with Russian agent Donald Trump and the rest of the Republicans to take away Obama care. The moment he gets a chance.
However, he can't right now because he is indisposed, recovering form surgery.
We at Greg Laden's Blog wish Senator McCain a speedy recovery and hope he is well. But we also urge him to think about his privilege and not take access to the sort of health care he has from other Americans.
Speaking of the Russians, The Looking…
I have no idea why so many smart people are saying that anything that happened over the last few days changes this election, or destroys the Republican Party. Pay attention, people. that is not what is happening.
The Republican Party has become the party that harbors racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, hate, politically expedient willful ignorance about all things science, classism, anything anti-PC, and dedicated service to the demands of the wealthiest Americans.
Most of that comes from the Tea Party the rest comes from the elite in the party. In this way, the Republican Party…
This explains a lot of things:
Boy, do we ever need campaign finance reform.
I'd love to describe the details to you but I don't think I can ever do as good a job as Representative Henry Waxman and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. They wrote a letter to McCain and Gingrich. Gave 'em a good shellacking, they did. I love this letter so much I'm giving it to you three times. First, as a picture of the letter because it is so cool looking. Then, as a transcript so it is searchable. Then, as a link to a PDF file.
And now, here is the text, from here:
February 20, 2014
The Honorable John McCain
241 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
The Honorable Newt…
Senators John McCain and Tom Coburn have released a report on "100 Stimulus Projects that Give Taxpayers the Blues." Their introduction rails against "torrential, misdirected government spending," and short descriptions of the 100 projects singled out for ridicule are evidently supposed to disgust readers. What disgusted me, though, was an apparent lack of respect for scientific research.
Around one-fourth of the 100 projects involved scientific research, and I have to wonder whether their criteria for inclusion was a word that might make a sixth-grader giggle. Monkeys! Ants! Hot flashes!…
On Morning Edition this morning, there was a story about the annual Conservative Political Action Conference which contained a line which made me guffaw:
Representative Paul Ryan: "[rant on spending in stimulus plan]...$400 million dollars to study sexually transmitted diseases!" [rant on about how his daughter is more responsible that President Obama]
Oh my! The horror. Actually spending money studying diseases that infect 65 million U.S. citizens. Yes Rep. Ryan, it would be a real shame if that money improved the lives of those 65 million people (and maybe it might even help, you know,…
I just learned that John "Eight McMansions" McCain has decided to suspend his presidential bid until someone fixes the economic mess that he helped the current adminstration get this nation into. Worse, he is going back to Washington DC to erm, "fix" this crisis. And he is telling Barack Obama to do the same.
Quite frankly, since McCain was in Washington DC while all the government deregulations were occurring, and he often supported a free economy (gone wild), I'd much prefer he remains distracted by the campaign and OUT of Washington so he can't do yet MORE damage!
Well, here's what I…
tags: politics, federal budget, funding freeze, science funding, technology funding, McCain, Ike Brannon
United States Federal Budget Discretionary Spending.
I just learned that, according to Ike Brannon, an economist and senior policy adviser to presidential candidate, John McCain, all funding -- including funding for scientific research -- will be frozen for one year if McCain is voted into the White House.
"The purpose of the freeze is to evaluate each and every program, looking at which ones are worthwhile and which are a waste of taxpayer dollars," Brannon told the Task Force on the…
For those of you who read this blog and don't read Pharyngula, (there must be a few!), I found this video to be too compelling to stop wathcing, and very powerful and moving in its message.
There really is a lot at stake in the coming election, but I have less and less hope as each week goes by.
As if this and this weren't enough, below we have McCain himself applying the "Palin lives near Russia" litmus test for foreign policy experience.
Around minute 2:30:
GIBSON: Can you honestly say you feel confident having someone who hasn't traveled outside the United States until last year, dealing with an insurgent Russia, with an Iran with nuclear ambitions, with an unstable Pakistan, not to mention the war on terror?
MCCAIN: Sure. And one of the key elements of America's national security requirements are energy. She understands the energy issues better than anybody I know in Washington…
John McCain like to talk about renewable energy and flash photos of windfarms like this one in his campaign ads, but does he actually support wind and solar energy development? He also vapidly criticised congress for being on holiday - "Tell them to come back and get to work!" - and not fixing the energy crisis. But in an NYT Op-ed, Tom Freidman details McCain's glaring failure to back his words with actions.
Recently there was a critical vote that would have renewed desparately needed tax credits for wind and solar development, the failure of which has halted many projects that can…