I'm Not Running For Preznit Until You Fix Things! Boo Hoo!

I just learned that John "Eight McMansions" McCain has decided to suspend his presidential bid until someone fixes the economic mess that he helped the current adminstration get this nation into. Worse, he is going back to Washington DC to erm, "fix" this crisis. And he is telling Barack Obama to do the same.

Quite frankly, since McCain was in Washington DC while all the government deregulations were occurring, and he often supported a free economy (gone wild), I'd much prefer he remains distracted by the campaign and OUT of Washington so he can't do yet MORE damage!

Well, here's what I think;

Story about McCain's crapola.

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I am tired of the Obama supporters using the fact that John McCain has money as a political talking point. Would you rather have someone who does not know how to handle money as your President. (Please, before anyone jumps on that statement, I am not suggesting that Obama does not know how to handle money.) My point is, having money does not make you the enemy. Also, you must consider the fact that McCain married into money. Does that also make him unfit for the presidency. McCain has not always had money, he knows what it's like to struggle and yes, to go hungry. If you want to slam McCain, find an issue to do that with, otherwise you just come off as being unintelligent.

By JustMeToo (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink

i am tired of the McCain supporters using the fact that Barack Obama has a good education as a political talking point. Would you rather have someone who does not know how to think as your President. (Please, before anyone jumps on that statement, I am not suggesting that McCain does not know how to think.) My point is, having a good education does not make you an elitist. Also, you must remember the fact that Obama grew up as the child of a single mother on food stamps. Does that also make him unfit for the presidency. Obama has not always had money and education, he knows what it's like to struggle and yes, to go hungry. If you want to slam Obama, find an issue to do that with, otherwise you just come off as being mindless 'droids.

No JustMeToo, none of that discounts McCain for president. However, McCain with his wealth (married to or otherwise) is the one calling his opponent elitist and out of touch. Obama has cash now and lives well I do not doubt, but he also grew up in a family that went temporarily on food stamps. Even if the latter fact were not true, the idea of McCain selling himself as the common man and Obama as the hollywood celebrity is dishonest to say the least. That should effect the likelihood of a McCain presidency.

I am tired of the Obama supporters using the fact that John McCain has money as a political talking point.

The Republicans made that an issue when they started portraying Obama as an "elitist." I.e. it's the hypocrisy. It's like Larry Craig - the story is not that he got caught toe-tapping in an airport restroom, it's that he did so after spending his political career fighting rights for homosexuals.

Also, you must consider the fact that McCain married into money.

Do you really want to go there? Yes, McCain's second wife, one of the women he was running around with while married to his first wife (which some people might consider an impeachable offense, and his first wife was in the hospital recovering from an auto accident when McCain asked for the divorce) is filthy rich. McCain would be the first president with a pre-nup agreement.

If you want to slam McCain, find an issue to do that with, otherwise you just come off as being unintelligent.

Once again, it is McCain and the Republicans who made elitism an issue. Failing to notice that makes you come across as unintelligent, or dishonest. Take your pick.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink


You're right, "elitist" is probably not the best description for Obama, "opportunist" is more like it.

By JustMeToo (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink

heh, opportunist? since when did obama divorce his first wife while she was in the hospital recovering from serious injuries so he could marry a much MUCH richer woman whom he had been having an affair with while married to the first wife? oh, wait. he didn't! that was mccain, wasn't it?

Are you sure you want to move on to 'opportunist' as your new ad hominem attack point? Would you not classify the dumping of one's disfigured wife for a more attractive and supremely more wealthy heiress the epitome of 'opportunist' behavior? It seems you need reminding that Obama had to create all of his opportunities to get ahead in life. He was not handed his education at a top university by a legacy admission. Obama was not handed a position in politics by his circumstance (of being a bad pilot) of being an Admiral's son who was also a POW. Obama did not 'marry into' his wealth, he earned it.
Now, as an independent secular voter, i am not at all happy with Obama for a whole number of things (his endorsement of Bush's faith programs, his rejection of public campaign financing, etc) but McCain has really showed his utter lack of integrity, morals, or a conscience of any kind in this election.

Amar, get your facts straight, Carol McCain has admitted that they both changed dramatically over their ordeals and drifted apart years before the divorce. She has also stated that she holds no ill feelings for him and supports his political career.

By JustMeToo (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink

Well, the title of the post is just misleading. From his announcement, I do not have the impression that Sen. McCain is just waiting for someone else to fix the problem.

After playing the video, I went through some related before pausing it when I wanted to play someone else.

Came back and noticed the screen was just perfect and must be posted.

By Paul Schofield (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink

HAHA! that's hilarious, paul!

and this is for JustMeToo -- i forgot to mention that having money doesn't mean that a person knows how to manage it properly. that should be screamingly obvious after the wall street fiasco. this is especially true for a person who married into money instead of getting it the old fashioned way (um, working for it).

sara -- considering how mccain was an aggressive player throughout the decades in creating this mess in the first place, i would LOVE it if he fixed it, but he has neither the brainpower nor the political will to do so. fixing this mess is in direct conflict to his decades of previous behavior;

How is it now possible for a reasonable voter to cast a ballot for John McCain?

The total cost of rescuing the financial services sector, including past and proposed actions, exceeds $1-trillion, more than twice the record $438-billion deficit projected for this fiscal year.

American taxpayers are being asked to spend thousands of dollars per person to prevent the collapse of Wall Street. A whole lot of people who made an awful lot of money by taking enormous risks they couldn't afford will benefit, at the expense of everyone else.

[ ... ]

If there has been one constant in Mr. McCain's legislative record through decades in the House and Senate, it has been his unequivocal support for deregulation. He championed it during his years as chairman of the Senate commerce committee. He campaigned actively and successfully for the very act that scrapped the regulations whose absence created this cascade of bank and insurance-company failures.

"I have a long voting record in support of deregulation," he said back in 2003. It was no idle boast.

[ ... ]

John McCain could honourably have said that, in retrospect, he might have been too enthusiastic in his support for unlimited deregulation, that he is learning lessons along with everyone else, and that, as president, he will restore a responsible level of federal oversight on Wall Street.

Instead, he blames the greed of bank executives and accuses Barack Obama of failing to propose a realistic plan to fix the mess he helped create. [emphasis mine]

[Globe and Mail story]

on the other hand, you just go right ahead and vote for mccain -- and prove my assessment of the average american correct, mmkay? either way, I WIN. on the other hand, you too, could win -- by casting a carefully considered vote that is based in reality.

Well, the title of the post is just misleading. From his announcement, I do not have the impression that Sen. McCain is just waiting for someone else to fix the problem.

Unless Cindy's going to give King Henry (we're all Socialists now) Paulson the $700 Billion, then McCain jolly well is posing while someone else fixes the problem.

By Matt Hussein Platte (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink


Switch the VP and presidential debates -all is well. Unless Sarah Palin's wisdom is needed in this crisis.

Spread the meme...

On the World Service this morning I heard Bush say

Democratic capitalism is the best system ever devised

Ha! Not Republican capitalism!

You're right, "elitist" is probably not the best description for Obama, "opportunist" is more like it.

Obama obtains an elite education, so he's "elitist". He takes advantage of the opportunities he's faced with, so he's "opportunist". Do you even bother to think about what you say before you say it?

Could someone provide an example of a politician who couldn't be called an "opportunist"?

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 25 Sep 2008 #permalink

Obama had his eye on the White House before he decided to run for the Senate. In his words, "I realized people were drawn to me." Now isn't that a great reason to run for President. He decided, (because people were drawn to him), that he could be the first black President. So, he ran for the Senate (only winning because of a scandal involving his opponent), then spent his "less than 3 years" in the Senate doing as little as possible. By voting "present" he did not have to make a decision that could compromise his upcoming run for President. If Obama would concentrate more on legislature and less on personal aspirations he may one day make a fine President. However, this is not the time.

By JustMeToo (not verified) on 25 Sep 2008 #permalink

then spent his "less than 3 years" in the Senate

Why is that phrase in quotes? Is it because it is untrue? Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004, and was sworn in as a senator in January 2005. This being September 2008, that seems to me to be more than three years. This information is so easy to verify that I'm going to expand the options I offered you earlier to include unintelligent and dishonest.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 25 Sep 2008 #permalink

The phrase is in quotes because on February 10, 2007 Barack Obama announced his candidacy for president and has since then spent most of his time campaigning. So, yes, I would say that his experience doing the job of a Senator has been less than three years. Tegumai, you seem angry and accusatory.

By JustMeToo (not verified) on 25 Sep 2008 #permalink

*sharp, attention-getting whistle*

Please excuse me, GrrlScientis...

Ahem. Everyone (but JMT)? Would you please stop feeding the troll. I can kill-file all its ass-hattery, but I still see your responses (and quotations of its words).

FTR: I am voting for Obama because I like his politics best, and in far second place--I am voting for Obama because I want McCain to lose lest the country is utterly ruined. Truth? I still miss Al Gore, but I understand why he's not in the running this time around. IOW: Give me a well-educated person with a strong level of scientific literacy and a religion kept out of office and I'm good. Oh, and s/he needs to support gay marriage and abortion rights. Uh-and... I'd prefer if s/he was happy to have atheists for friends.