tags: Elementary Dating, humor, funny, comedy, silly, offbeat, Rowan Atkinson, streaming video
This Silly Saturday video features the brilliant actor, Rowan Atkinson, giving men a few important pointers about going out on a first date without looking like a complete moron (well, mostly).
I will share a secret: I made things easy for Mr GrrlScientist by kissing him while we were sitting on the stairwell of the youth hostel we were staying at, since he was yackyackyacking until 3am. I thought kissing him would shut him up. It did, but he turned red and almost passed out. But at least I got a…
Mr GrrlScientist
tags: Sonnenuntergang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, sunset, photography
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 20 April 2010 [larger view]
Sunset over Frankfurt, as photographed from the bedroom window. This sunset was influenced by the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajökull. The light gold above the sun is a real cloud, but the darker haze surrounding the sun is the ash cloud. This ash cloud made the sun look fuzzy and at times, almost completely obscured it.
Today, the sky cleared for a few hours and everything seemed normal once more, but in the…
tags: Sonnenuntergang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, sunset, photography
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 19 April 2010 [larger view]
Sunset over Frankfurt, as photographed from the bedroom window. This sunset was influenced by the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajökull. The clouds that you see are fluffy and a light gold color, the ash cloud is hazy and dark and (dare I say it?) menacing.
The haze from the Icelandic volcano is much worse today than it has been ever since Eyjafjallajökull first blew. I know that the airlines want to start flying…
tags: Sonnenuntergang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, sunset, photography
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 18 April 2010 [larger view]
Sunset over Frankfurt, as photographed from the bedroom window. This sunset was influenced by the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajökull.
This is probably the last sunset photograph you'll see from Frankfurt that doesn't have a dozen or more (disgustingly ugly!!) contrails messing it up because the latest news is that the eruptions from the Icelandic volcano are slowing down .. and there are some EU flights…
tags: Sonnenuntergang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, travel, nature, sunset, image of the day
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 4 April 2010 [larger view]
Sunset over Frankfurt, as photographed from the bedroom window.
tags: Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Sonnenuntergang, travel, nature, environment, photography
Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 30 March 2010 [larger view]
This was the sunset as photographed from the windows of the flat where I live in Frankfurt am Main. Don't you wish you could be here too, drinking a nice syrah and eating some of the Karotten-ingwer Suppe that I am preparing at this very moment?
tags: beards, facial hair, funny, silly, humor, streaming video
In honor of Silly Saturday, I had to share this silly video with you. It's about beards. Those of you who know me will understand the significance for this video appearing here.
tags: Frankfurter Sonnenuntergang, Frankfurt Sunset, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, image of the day
Sonnenuntergang aus Reidberg (Sunset from Reidberg)
Reidberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 29 November 2009 [larger view].
tags: 2009 Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt Messe, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, image of the day
Frankfurt Messe.
Frankfurt Book Fair 2009.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 18 October 2009 [larger view].
tags: Memorial to the Synagogue, Platz der Synagoge, Göttingen, Germany, image of the day
The memorial to the Synagogue in Göttingen, Germany, burnt down 1938 during the Kristallnacht, at the Platz der Synagoge (Synagogue Square) as seen from the inside looking straight up.
Image: Bob O'Hara, October 2009 [larger view].
Synagogue Memorial, Obere-Masch-Str. and Untere-Masch-Str. This memorial, designed by Corrado Cagli in 1973, stands on the site of a synagogue that was destroyed in 1938. The names of Göttingen's Jewish residents who were murdered during the "dark time" are listed below…
tags: Tvärminne, zoological field research station, Finland, nature
Hornet Moth, Sesia apiformis: Hymenopteran biomimic.
Tvärminnen eläintieteellinen asema
(Tvärminne Zoological field research station) in southwestern Finland.
[read more about it: English :: Suomeksi :: PÃ¥ Svenska]
Image: Bob O'Hara, 15 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)
This insect is sitting on my camera (to give you a sense of size). I would happily share all my gorgeous photographs with you (several of which were stunning), but my camera batteries died while I was photographing and didn't save roughly 100…
tags: Cambridge University, Garden, Horticulture, Botany, nature, image of the day
Walkway at Cambridge University Botanic Garden.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 23 April 2009 [larger view].
According to the photographer, the director led them on a tour of the gardens. He said it was laid out by one of Darwin's mentors to show the variation in the plants. Apparently, the trees were paired up to show morphological variation by Henslow, the man who recommended that Darwin accompany the captain on the Beagle's famous voyage. The director of the gardens was really pleased to have worked this out: it…
tags: Eurasian Red Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris exalbidusi, cute overload, Helsinki, Finland, image of the day
Eurasian Red Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris exalbidus.
Photographed on Bob O'Hara's balcony outside his apartment.
Image: Bob O'Hara, 5 March 2009 (visit the link to see the rest of the story!) [larger view].
tags: skiing, Saunalahti, Helsinki, Finland, nature, image of the day
Walking on Water.
These crazy people are skiing on the frozen saltwater bay, Saunalahti, western Helsinki, Finland [map].
Image: Bob O'Hara, 22 February 2009 [larger view].
Okay, a frequent commenter on my blog, Bob O'Hara, has started writing his own wonderful blog, called deep thoughts and silliness. Bob is an English statistician who lives in Finland. So far, he has made a great start because he wrote a fun entry about using statistics to predict the number of pages in the last Harry Potter book (which you all know I am awaiting breathlessly).