Poetry is finding its way into our consciousness at the Weizmann Institute: At the recent, fourth annual Science on Tap evening, which the Institute hosts in Tel Aviv, several poets joined in the fun, reading from their work before and after the talks given by scientists in over 60 filled-to-capacity pubs and cafes around the city. And calls have gone out for entries to the Ofer Lider creative writing contest – open to scientists (writing in Hebrew). The contest is named for Prof. Ofer Lider, an Institute scientist who, sadly, died young and who wrote poetry because he believed that…
Non-coding RNA
I had the good fortune on Thursday to hear a fascinating talk on deep transcriptome analysis by Chris Mason, Assistant Professor, at the Institute for Computational Biomedicine at
Cornell University.
Several intriguing observations were presented during the talk. I'll present the key points first and then discuss the data.
These data concern the human transcriptome, and at least some of the results are supported by follow on studies with data from the pigmy tailed macaque.
Some of the most interesting points from Mason's talk were:
A large fraction of the existing genome annotation is…