occupy wall street
It was interesting to me that my comments that protesting the economy without also including elements of economic protest were taken to mean "I think Occupy Wall Street is bad." I still think that to be genuinely effective, protests of capitalism have to take into account what will replace it - and our own implication in the system, but I am happy to see the protests growing, and developing an emergent sense of possibility.
I think Jim Kunstler hit it on the head this week:
This is the funniest part to me: that leaders of a nation incapable of constructing a coherent consensus about reality…
I was going to write something about "occupy wall street" - I even found their statement, and was going to analyse it. But really all I was going to do was snark. So instead I'll point you at Anarchists for good government
which has the benefit of being by someone who was there. I agree with it all. Principally, with the assertion that although people think something is wrong, no-one has any idea how to put it right. And secondly, with the observation that this helps unify the protests (and the implication that the protests would fragment if there was an idea of what to do).
Updates: well,…