
(via MBL)
Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic, that is. One of the common complaints about evolutionary psychology is that it claims to be addressing evolved human universals, but when you look at the data sets, they are almost always drawn from the same tiny pool of outliers, Western undergraduate students enrolled in psychology programs, and excessively extrapolated to be representative of Homo sapiens — when we're actually a very peculiar group. How peculiar? A paper by Heinrich, Heine, and Norenzayan, "The Weirdest People in the World", tries to measure that…and by nearly every…
(From a pleasant story about rescuing orphaned night monkeys)
You'd think with all those arms they'd have at least one free to focus and set the exposure. This is a picture taken by an octopus who stole a divers' camera. The diver chased it and got the camera back. Otherwise, we'd be waiting for the octopus to get online and upload the pictures to youtube.
Hey, go look: Carl Zimmer has a gallery of Cambrian beasties!
I just got home a short while ago, and of course I had to spend an hour shoveling snow. So I need this right now. (via Florida Photo Magazine)
(via NatGeo)
I need more photos of the flying squid — there are too few floating around the web.
(via NatGeo)
I sympathize. There you are, a homely brown speckled bird, and someone finally bothers to take a picture of you, and what happens? Some showoff steals the whole show.
I expect you all to remember that the Discovery Channel will be airing their new episode with footage of the giant squid this Sunday evening. I know what I'll be watching.
(via Reefwonders)
(via Smashingl Lists)
(via RENCTAS, an organization that fights wild animal trafficking in Brazil)
Last spring, the All England Squid Fishing Championships took place, in which hundreds of fishermen strove to catch the largest squid. Unfortunately, the weather was not conducive to good fishing, and they caught nothing. Well, except for one person who discovered this cute little guy cling to his jig. The winner! This gives me hope. I'm going to sign up for a beauty contest right away.
(via Garden Photos)
I am actually staying home for several weeks, and it feels so good and relaxing. So this is kind of a self-portrait, I think. (via)