projectile motion

This is for commenter JimP. How do you take into account uncertainty when using video analysis? A great question. The first thing to think about is where does the uncertainty come from? My first guess would that it would be from the user. Where does the user click? Is it right on the object in each frame? Is the scale set correctly? I guess there could be other sources of error - maybe there are repeating frames that are a result of encoding. Maybe there is interlaced video frames. Well, what to do? I will just look at one motion in particular and do the analysis several times. I…
I already attacked the 2008 Punkin Chunkin Show. So, now I going to give the chunkers some tips. In case you aren't familiar, the Punkin Chunkin contest has teams create devices to launch a pumpkin. They have different categories, but I am going to focus on the air-powered devices. The basic idea is to make an over sized pneumatic potato gun. Here are the things I was inspired to think about. It seems all the canons were aimed at about the same angle. Did they guess at the angle? Or is this trial and error? What would be the best angle for a pumpkin launch? Does the optimal angle of…
I don't really know what that title actually means. So, I have been having problems with my PASCO projectile launcher devices. I will just call them launchers (they are really cannons). In my previous post, I looked at the launch speed from a launcher shot horizontally and vertically. The problem was that I was getting different launch speeds for the vertical and horizontal shot. So, here is my plan: shoot the ball and a variety of angles from 0 to 90 degrees and see how the launch speed changes. I will only use the data from video analysis (of course using Tracker Video Analysis)…
The last time I looked at this projectile motion lab, I was confused. My different methods for measuring the launch speed of the ball were not even close to being consistent. So, I am bringing out the big guns - video. I made a video of the ball shot both horizontally off the table and vertically. No point posting the whole video (unless you really need it), but here is a screen shot of what the setup looked like. These videos were made with my flip video camera, it doesn't have adjustable shutter speed so that there is some blur. Also, notice the carbon paper on the floor. This is so…
I put together this short presentation on fake videos for a class. What the heck, I will also put it online so that maybe some other people can use it. So, here it is. I have it in many forms. First, a video of me going through the talk. Then I have the keynote and PowerPoint files with the movies. Feel free to use it as you see fit. You might want to modify some of the files, I have no problem with that. How to spot a fake video from Rhett Allain on Vimeo. And the other versions: Keynote (fakevideos.key - 46.1 MB) - this has the movies embedded PowerPoint (fakevideos.ppt - 2.6 MB) -…
If you didn't catch the latest MythBusters (yeah! new episodes), they did something straight from the physics textbooks. Just about every text has this example of shooting a bullet horizontally and dropping a bullet from the same height. The idea is that they should hit the ground at the same time. No one but the MythBusters could actually show this demo with a real gun. The Physics I am going to do some calculations, but I want to first write about the physics that accompanies this idea (and you can actually do it your self without the gun). What physics principle does this demo show?…
There were a couple of things that bothered me about the MythBusters' myth where they fired bullets in the air. The myth was that a bullet fired in the air could kill you. The first problem is that it is not a myth. There are several reported cases of people being killed from bullets that were fired in the air. The Mythbusters tested this by finding out how fast a bullet would be going if fired straight up. A couple of problems: First, they measured the terminal velocity of a tumbling bullet, not a spinning one. I really don't know how long a bullet will stay spinning, but I guess this…
This is really a lab that I have students do, but I am pretty sure they don't read this blog - so it is ok. If they are reading this, hi! We have these projectile cannons that shoot small balls. In order to look at projectile motion, they need to first determine the launch speed of the ball. I have a great method for this. Basically, shoot the ball horizontally off the table and measure how far horizontally it goes. You can get the final location of the ball by having it hit a piece of carbon paper on top of normal paper. If you don't know what carbon paper is, you are young. Anyway,…
You know I like the Mythbusters, right? Well, I have been meaning to look at the shooting bullets in the air myth for quite some time. Now is that time. If you didn't catch that particular episode, the MythBusters wanted to see how dangerous it was to shoot a bullet straight up in the air. I am not going to shoot any guns, or even drop bullets - that is for the MythBusters. What I will do instead is make a numerical calculation of the motion of a bullet shot into the air. Here is what Adam said about the bullets: A .30-06 cartridge will go 10,000 feet high and take 58 seconds to come…
I really shouldn't do this. I might be helping someone to set up something dangerous. But, I am going to anyway. Here is a question posted on some forum. (actually, it is from math help forum) "I'm anticipating a good winter this year, one with lots of snow. My yard is sloped quite a bit and it would be the ideal place for a huge snowboard jump, only problem is I need to calculate how fast I will be traveling when I hit the jump, how high and what angle the jump should be, and the distance and angle of the landing ramp to optimize my range." So, what am I going to do? I am going to give…
I saw this video on digg or reddit. I can't remember which. I was in awe. Then I started thinking. I wonder how fast that water was moving up right after the explosion. Too bad the video doesn't have a scale. Well, it kind of does - there is that ship. I am terrible at ship identification though. Maybe I can use my favorite scaling trick - assume the stuff is on the surface of the Earth. This means that free falling objects would have an acceleration of -9.8 m/s2. Let me try this on the water as it falls. Oh, trust me. I know it is not really free falling, but it is in this big…
This Giant water slide video is extremely popular on the internets. Maybe you have not seen it (doubtful), then here it is: This is such an incredible stunt that the very first question that comes up is - fake? or not fake? From my previous analysis, I can say: Even though there is some slight perspective issues, the vertical acceleration seems to be constant and has a reasonable scale to give the acceleration of -9.8 m/s2 The horizontal motion is essentially constant (as a real jump would be) The launch speed is about 19 m/s The launch angle is 32.8 degrees If the guy had no friction on…
Thanks to Nick for showing me this video (Check out his blog - Fine Structure): See more funny videos and TBT Videos at Today's Big Thing. Wow. That was my first reaction. My second reaction was: no way. Is this real life? I just don't know. How hard would it be to find out exactly where to place that pool and where did they get the water from? Obviously, this one requires some analysis. First, on the VAS for this video: 4/8. Not too good. Oh here are the questions I would like to answer: What is the guy's acceleration after he leaves the ramp? What was his initial velocity…
Check this out (saw it on the interwebs): It's this video inside a bus of a girl hitting the roof. My first thought was: well, she just jumped. But something was odd. She was in the air too long. Well, of course this calls for a video analysis (using Tracker Video Analysis). Actually, it is a good candidate for analysis. Primarily because the motion happens right next to the back of the bus and the bus can be considered the reference frame. The only problem is the scale. I totally guessed that the back window was 3 feet, but not sure this even matters. Here is the motion of the girl…
You have no idea how long I have been sitting on this one. I made some videos like a billion years ago, and still no post. Why? Oh well, here it is. I like video analysis of motion. I like looking at stuff on youtube or other video sites. But sometimes, you need to make the video yourself. What should you use? My personal favorite is a Flip Mino HD. It is small and quick. Are there other options? Sure. In this post, I will do the video analysis with the following cameras: Flip Mino HD A Canon PowerShot A470 Panasonic DMC-FZ18 Canon HV10 HD miniDV camcorder (you know, the kind that…
Sciencegeekgirl is blogging from the AAPT. She talks about showing something interesting to get students thinking, and here is her example: This reminds me of Dan Meyer's What Can You Do With This stuff. Anyway, I can't help it. I must analyze this video. Plus, Fran essentially threw down the gauntlet and called me out on this move. Another reason to analyze this movie is that it is obviously fake. Elephants are one of the few animals that can't jump. Not even a little bit. They don't like to have more than 1 foot off the ground. Ok, on to the analysis. As usual, I downloaded the…
Yesterday, I uploaded a post from my old site about slowing down time to make videos look like they were on the moon. If you haven't read that, the short story is that it doesn't look right when speed Apollo videos up so that the acceleration is -9.8 m/s2. What started that whole thing was an even earlier post. Here is an example of using video analysis (Tracker Video Analysis) to measure the acceleration of a jumping astronaut on the moon. In this case, it is the famous "jump salute" from Apollo 16 astronaut John Young. First, thanks John (or whoever videoed it). This is a good video for…
Note: This is a repost from my old site. Time to move it over. First, what is different about motion on the moon and on Earth? Since the moon has a smaller mass in spite of its smaller size*, the moon has a smaller gravitational field. The gravitational field on the surface of the moon is 1/6th the field on the surface of the Earth. This means that the acceleration of a free falling on the object would be 1/6th the acceleration on Earth. So the question is: how would you change the time scale of a movie so that it looks like its acceleration is 1/6th of 9.8 m/s2? *If you make the size of…
I finally saw the movie Hancock. Yes, I know it has been out for a long time but I don't get out much. You know me, I can't leave something like this well enough alone. It's not my fault, I was born this way. It shouldn't spoil the movie too much if I tell you this one scene (you have probably already seen it anyway). Basically, Hancock gets upset with this boy and throws him in the air to scare him or something. In case you did not time it, the kid was in the air for 23 seconds. I claim that in order for Hancock to throw a person in the air for this long, the acceleration during…
I made this screen cast for my algebra-based lab. Maybe you will find it useful also. This is a tutorial using Tracker Video Analysis (an awesome free program as I have said many times). In this tutorial I analyze a moving cart that shoots a ball up and lands back in the moving cart (called a Howitzer cart). The video is available at the LivePhoto Physics site. Screencasts and videos online