
This is a remarkable post, although it's not too surprising. Who needs Hizbollah when you have these assholes: My parents raised my sisters and me in a small town in rural Wisconsin. Never mind exactly which one -- I have to maintain my anonymity here in order to keep my jobs for grad school. Suffice it to say it's a good distance away from Madison, and in terms of worldview, it might as well be on a different planet. You might recall the story of the Indian River School District in Delaware, which ran a Jewish family out of town with death threats and other harassment after the family…
About a week ago, Sen. George Allen (R-VA) referred to an American of Indian descent as a "macaca" which is a racist slur (derived from the French word for monkey). I'm pleased to see that this act of bigotry has hurt George Wallace Allen: In an election for the United States Senate in Virginia today, 8/21/06, incumbent Republican George Allen edges Democrat challenger James Webb 48% to 45%, according to an exclusive SurveyUSA poll conducted for W*USA-TV in Washington, DC. Since an identical SurveyUSA poll released 6/28/06, Allen has lost 8 points and Webb has gained 8 points. Allen's lead…
What's shocking is the utter silence from the White House about the immigration story unfolding in Chicago. Remember, this is the same administration that interrupted the president's vacation for the Terry Schiavo incident. So when it really matters politically the White House is willing to move. But they've remained mysteriously quiet on this. First, the story. An illegal immigrant whose son is a seven-year old U.S. citizen is to be deported back to Mexico. She refuses to leave and has sought sanctuary in a church. Right now, I'm sure Karl Rove is hoping this goes away quietly. On the…
...and calls a dark-skinned man of Indian descent a monkey. When viewed with his other forms of sociopathy, I'll ask once again: can the Republicans please nominate a presidential candidate who isn't cracked in the head? (Just in case). From a historical perspective, a VA congressman once referred to Chain Bridge which connects VA and DC as "the longest bridge in the world, since it goes from VA to Africa." That was a few decades ago though. George Allen: he wants to party like it's 1959. Update: Atrios points out that "macaca" is a nasty slur directed at North Africans. Who knew…
From Paul Waldman's book Being Right Is Not Enough--What Progressives Must Learn from Conservative Success: But the stance of those in the Radical Religious Right toward homosexuality is unlikely to change anytime soon. Since they believe the Bible absolutely prohibits homosexuality, they don't see any room for compromise. As American opinion evolves, their views will grow further and further from the mainstream. Whether it takes ten years or forty years, there will come a day when gay Americans have full legal rights, and antigay prejudice becomes a hallmark of fringe thought. At some…
driftglass takes up a topic near and dear to my heart because it's a cancer that still corrodes and corrupts the U.S.: the use of hate-mongering by the Right to gain and keep political power. And you thought I was Mad (and if you're not reading driftglass, what the hell's the matter with you). driftglass writes: And every year it gets easier to call a feminist a "feminazi". A Liberal "America-hating". A homosexual an "abomination". A scientist a Godless "tree-hugger". To accept the swiftboating of patriots as normal, and to vote sadistic, damaged drunks and war criminals into office. And…
...fifty years ago, this man would have been lynched. Progressives and liberals are the reason he isn't lynched today. And don't let some conservative tell you otherwise. For those of us old enough to have grey hair, we remember which side conservatives were on and which side liberals were on: it wasn't liberal politicians who went to Bob Jones University to praise its 'values', back when BJU was segregated. And here's another historical note. Racial progress wasn't inevitable; it required a lot of sacrifice. It wasn't that long ago, that publicly saying that you weren't opposed to inter…
NOTE (7/27/2016): People have been telling me, based on this post written over ten years ago, how Donald Trump sounds just like Vox Day. It's true. He does. It's also true that the thought of exporting 11-12 million people in 4-8 years is just as ridiculous now as it was ten years ago. I weep that so many in the Republican Party not only take this nonsense seriously but voted for Donald Trump based on a promise very much like what Vox Day described, so many that Donald Trump is now the Republican Party nominee for President. So I added this note. I also note that some of the links are dead…