
So asks Oliver Willis about the Republican base: As I've noted before, I don't have a really strong position on immigration reform. As the child of immigrants who came here the legit way, I'm troubled by giving a pass of any sort to people who "cut" in line, but I also know it's kind of dumb to think we're going to deport all of those people. I do think its interesting that so much of the Republican elite really doesn't care what their grassroots think and instead are more interested in giving big industries the cheap labor they want. It's another version of their abortion and gay marriage…
So Lou Dobbs has been making ludicrous statements about leprosy and illegal immigrants, claiming that 7,000 cases have happened in the last few years as a result of illegal immigration. The Southern Poverty Law Center wrote Dobbs a letter: Actually, we have had 7,000 cases of leprosy--over a thirty year period. Leprosy is pretty easy to keep track of.... What a fucking moron.
A recent meeting of the Utah County Republican Party I've argued before that the Republicans can't win elections without their racist base. Well, apparently they can't win without their cracked-in-the-head base either. From Utah County, Utah: Don Larsen, chairman of legislative District 65 for the Utah County Republican Party, had submitted a resolution warning that Satan's minions want to eliminate national borders and do away with sovereignty. In a speech at the convention, Larsen told those gathered that illegal immigrants "hate American people" and "are determined to destroy this…
Beta test version of Conservapedia graphical interface. Isn't he reassuring? I feel bad for John Stewart and Stephen Colbert because when idiots unintentionally parody themselves, their gigs will be up. Conservapedia is going to be the gift that giving...for bloggers anyway. Here's what it says about the Holocaust (and, yes, this is the entire entry): The Holocaust was the massacring of the Jewish race during World War II. The Germans are not to blame for this but the Nazi[s] are. Besides 6 million Jews dying, 3 million Christians were killed also along with many priests and nuns. This is…
Never doubt the prognostication of the Mad Biology. A couple of days ago, I wondered if the Mighty Conservative Wurlitzer would unleash its awesome fury against the Edwards campaign bloggers. Turned out I was right. First, there was some hardhitting investigative reporting from the National Review bloggysphere that yielded...nothing. But then Michele Malkin got in on the act. For those of you who don't who Michele Malkin is, one of her claims to fame is authoring a book that defends the racially-motivated interment of Japanese-Americans during World War II (because if it's ok when FDR did…
I grew up in Virginia, and unlike transplant George "Macacawitz" Allen, I've never been pollyanish about Virginians' attitudes on race and religion. But what VA Republican State Delegate Frank Hargrove said in a recent interview was shocking (italics mine): There were furious denunciations in the General Assembly after a Virginia legislator stated that black people "should get over" slavery. Hanover Delegate Frank Hargrove made the comment about slavery in an interview published Tuesday in The Daily Progress of Charlottesville. In the same interview about whether the state should apologize…
You'll hear a lot today about Martin Luther King and race. But what you won't hear nearly as much about, particularly from conservatives, is his views on economic justice. I think that his views on race were inseparable from his economic views which were based on a universal call for justice and equality for all. From a speech he gave to striking sanitation workers in Memphis on March 18, 1968 (italics mine): My dear friends, my dear friend James Lawson, and all of these dedicated and distinguished ministers of the Gospel assembled here tonight, to all of the sanitation workers and their…
Mandatory sentencing laws are disliked by many, and for good reason. Judges often criticize these laws for taking away their judicial sovereignty, while others decry the inherent disparity in which they affect minorities and those of lower socioeconomic status. They often lead to inordinately severe punishments for arguably minor, generally drug-related, crimes. The good news is that, as The New York Times reported yesterday, there is reason to believe that some of the more extreme of these mandatory sentencing laws may change under the new Democratic Congress. Examples of why these laws…
Suppose you were a very large media corporation, and you found out that some of your radio subsidiaries were espousing specific acts of violence toward other people (last I checked, that's called terrorism). You would: 1) Fire the offending parties. 2) Offer some mealymouth bullshit explanation ("If anyone was offended..."). or... 3) File a lawsuit against the blogger who posted mp3s of the offensive clips. Well, the Disney corporation picked option number three. Disney-owned California radio station KFSO, in its effort to capitalize on right-wing hate radio, gives a microphone to some…
Over at the News Blog, Steve Gilliard links to a post about the idiocy of a public high school in Kentucky that is displaying a Confederate flag* in the school cafeteria (Kentucky was never a Confederate state: eastern Kentucky, in particular, was staunchly pro-Union). In the comments at the News Blog, one commenter left an excellent reminder of what 'the Unpleasantness Between the States' [/snark> was really about (italics mine): Why the hell are we flying flags from the Confederacy? Have we forgotten what the Civil War was? During the Civil War nearly 200,000 men died in action, more…
The other title of this post could have been "The War on Christmas and the Politics of Failed Withdrawl." Regardless, Tuesday, the Catholic League launched the first salvo in its ongoing War Against the Jews On Christmas with a large ad on the op-ed page of the NY Times. Here's what the Catholic League had to say: (larger version here) I think the charge of "cultural facists" is more than a little overblown. I live in Boston, a bastion of liberalism, not to mention the dreaded 'Homofascist Hordes', and nobody is ripping down the Christmas lights on Newbury Street or Comm Ave. The Boston…
Notice that I separated these two words. That's because between 2004 and 2006, there was a thirty point shift to Democrats among Latinos. Why? Well, this might have something to do with it: I think the Republicans need to work on that whole Latino outreach thing...
While I don't think arguing for or against religious particulars is something any political party should adopt a few days before an election (or should be a political issue at all, for that matter), PZ is absolutely right when he says that Robertson and his ilk should be called out for the foolish bigots that they are. We wouldn't tolerate racially-based hatred (Got Macaca?), so why should we tolerate 'faith-based' hatred? O'Donnell was doing what was needed: staking out the flank. If politicians won't do anything while El Jefe Maximo wipes his ass with the First, Fourth, Fifth Amendment,…
In the Tennessee Senate race, the Republicans have been viciously playing the race card. They have been referring to Democrat Harold Ford as 'Fancy' Ford because he, a single black man, has dated...white women (note: 'fancy' is an old Southernism for, at best, a lothario, and, at worst, a pimp). Now, the Republicans (the NRCC) have run an ad where they point this out. Even the candidate is publicly protesting the ad (although he's probably loving it in private). So, this week, one of those helpless white female victims of Ford commented on l'affair du Fancy: But all of this - this focus…
Some stupid is so powerful that it can only be viewed safely through the StupidViewer 9000 (from here) Here's a joke: a Republican staffer of a conservative Christian Republican goes into a synagogue and tells the congregation that his candidate is more Jewish than they are. It's not very funny, and, sadly, it's true. You see, Republican Congressman J.D. Hayworth of Arizona has a slight Jewish problem. It started when he supported Henry Ford's Americanization program, claiming that Ford's program was only trying to get immigrants to speak English. What is the Americanization program?…
Sen. George "Macaca" Allen (R-VA) is quite possibly one sick puppy: Shelton said he also remembers a disturbing deer hunting trip with Allen on land that was owned by the family of Billy Lanahan, a wide receiver on the team. After they had killed a deer, Shelton said he remembers Allen asking Lanahan where the local black residents lived. Shelton said Allen then drove the three of them to that neighborhood with the severed head of the deer. "He proceeded to take the doe's head and stuff it into a mailbox," Shelton said. If this is substantiated further, it's clear the man is missing circuits…
...but it also has blogs, posts, and threads. Al Franken explains this to Lanny Davis.
There's a reason I've been writing about Confederate racist wannabee and VA senator George Allen so much. He's not an outlier in the Republican Party, but part and parcel of it. Now, there are new revelations about his ties to the white supremacist group, the Council of Conservative Citizens, the successor organization to the segregationist White Citizens Council: In 1996, when Governor Allen entered the Washington Hilton Hotel to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference, an annual gathering of conservative movement organizations, he strode to a booth at the entrance of the…
King Cranky and Shakes are right: if George Bush doesn't want us to dwell on New Orleans, then it's probably a good idea for us to do so. Regarding New Orleans, Publius asks a very simple question: So why does no one care? That's the essential question in a nutshell. Here's my short answer: people stopped caring about New Orleans when they realized that the institutions most capable of handling this crisis would not do a fucking thing about it. Looking back on my posts about the New Orleans disaster, I should have realized New Orleans would become a full-blown pandimensional clusterfuck…
OK, I'm kidding (legally, he's too young). S.R. Sidarth is the native born Virginian who was called a racist slur by Californian transplant Sen. George Allen (R-VA). Californian transplant Allen also welcomed Sidarth to "the real Virginia." When you look at what a total screw up Allen was when he was young, and compare it to Sidarth (athlete, top-notch student, involved in community causes), this native-born Virginian (that would be the Mad Biologist) doesn't want Allen's 'kind' fouling the Commonwealth.