One issue about the infamous Spencer and Braswell (incidentally, who is Braswell? Everyone is ignoring him, is he a nonentity? ) is, of course, who were the referees? The suspicion voiced in various places is that Spencer managed to wangle skeptics in as his referees; indeed, Wagner in his resignation letter says "The managing editor of Remote Sensing selected three senior scientists from
renowned US universities... the editorial team unintentionally selected three reviewers who probably share some climate sceptic notions of the authors" (note the slight contradiction in there: first off,…
This couldn't be more damming:
the paper by Spencer and Braswell [1] that was recently published in Remote Sensing... should therefore not have been published... I agree with the critics of the paper. Therefore, I would like to take the responsibility for this editorial decision and, as a result, step down as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Remote Sensing... I would also like to personally protest against how the authors and like-minded climate sceptics have much exaggerated the paper's conclusions in public statements
Spencer and the Mystery Journal refers, as does the eerily-similar von…
Broon has gone, for good this time, unlike yesterday's fake resignation. He appears to have achieved one thing: yesterday's last-gasp offer to the LD appears to have forced the Tories to offer a referendum on AV.
However, it wasn't enough to tempt the LD's to him, and his own party was iffy, and it wouldn't have been a majority. So today he said "bugger this for a game of soldiers" and pissed off. Only he wrapped it up in a dignified speech.
My own keyinsight (hexapodia!) is so-far unarticulated by anyone else, and is hidden over the fold.
OK, so I think that this is Broon's last piece of…